(UKusuallysocialise)uk/ˈsəʊ.ʃəl.aɪz/us/ˈsoʊ.ʃə.laɪz/socializeverb(GO OUT)
tospendtimewhen you are notworkingwithfriendsor with otherpeopleinordertoenjoyyourself:
参加社交活动,交际Itendnot to socializewithmycolleagues.我不想与我的同事交往过多。
IhopeAdam'sactuallydoing someworkatcollege- heseemstospendall histimesocializing!我希望亚当在大学里确实花了些工夫在学业上——他似乎把时间都用在了社交上面!
- They'recontentto socialize with a verysmallcircleofpeople.
- We're usually tootiredto socialize during theweek.
- I don'ttendto socialize with mycolleaguesmuch.
- I've been socializing for the last twoweeks.
Being friends & getting to know them
- be on speaking termsidiom
- be/get in withsomeoneidiom
- be/live in each other's pocketsidiom
- befriend
- bonding
- build
- get on like a house on fireidiom
- go back a long wayidiom
- hang
- hang around withsomeone
- hang out
- mix
- move
- pal up
- present
- pull
- pullsomethingon
- rub
- score
- strike
totrainpeopleoranimalstobehavein a way thatothersin thegroupthinkissuitable:
使合群;使适应社会生活Here at theschoolwe make everyeffortto socialize theseyoungoffenders.在这所学校里,我们努力使这些青少年罪犯适应社会生活。
Teaching in general
- asynchronous
- chief academic officer
- clue
- clue in
- communicative
- didactic
- disciplinary
- instruct
- multi-course
- non-conditioned
- non-didactic
- non-education
- non-educational
- special education
- synchronous
- teachsomeonea lessonidiom
- teachable
- tutelage