importanceandfame,power, orsuccess:
重要;杰出;伟大;强大Her greatness as awriterisunquestioned.她作为作家的杰出地位是毋庸置疑的。
They arepuffedup withgrandnotionsoftheircountry'shistoricalgreatness.他们对自己国家的历史伟业非常自豪。
- She has nodoubtsabout Washington's greatness aspresident.
- The greatness of aleaderis not just in hisachievementsbut in theobstacleshe has had toovercome.
- Thestationitself gavetestimonyto thelostcommercialgreatness of thearea.
- He waswearyof thebaggagethatattendsgreatness - theobnoxiousfans, theendlessobligations, thescrutinyof themedia.
- Hedeploresthe imbecility of theacademicworldfor notsufficientlyrecognizinghis greatness.
Skill, talent and ability
- ability
- accomplishment
- accuracy
- acumen
- adroitness
- chop
- endowment
- flair
- forte
- functional skills
- functioning
- genius
- non-technical
- polish
- prestidigitation
- proficiency
- prowess
- speciality
- wizardry
- workmanship
thelargeamount,size, ordegreeof something:
Whatsurprisedme was the greatness of thechange.
Do notunderestimatethe greatness of thiscalamity.
- Hebemoanedthe greatness of theburdensthat werelaidupon him.
- Shefeltthe greatness oftheirloveandforgiveness.
- Let uskeepthemountainsthe way they are so that thepeopleof thefuturecanenjoythewildnessand the greatness of theearth.
Big and quite big
- appreciable
- baronial
- bulky
- burly
- expansive
- hearty
- hefty
- higher
- hulking
- juicy
- mass
- rambling
- roomy
- royal
- savage
- sizable
- sizeable
- spacious
- the bigger the betteridiom
- walk-in
greatnessnoun[U](GOOD QUALITY)
the very goodqualityof something:
I just can't get over the greatness of thisrecord.
- I don't usuallyharpon about the greatness of adish- but thepieI made today was as good as it gets.
Extremely good
- admirable
- amazing
- amazingly
- ask forsomeone
- award-winning
- divine
- first-rate
- five-star
- gold-plated
- gourmet
- high-class
- high-grade
- keen
- sock
- splendid
- splendidly
- stellar
- stupendously
- sublime
- wonderfully