aprintedform, usedinsteadofmoney, to makepaymentsfromyourbankaccount:
支票Iwrotehim a chequefor£50.我给他开了一张50英镑的支票。
I don't have anycashon me, so could Ipaywitha/bycheque?我没带现金,能用支票付款吗?
Who should Imake outthis chequeto?(= Whosenameshould I write on it?)我应当把这张支票开给谁?
Please makeyourchequespayabletoThe Brighter ToyshopLtd(= write thisnameon them).请把支票开给布赖特玩具有限公司。

MicroStockHub/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- It usuallytakesfour to fiveworkingdaysfor a cheque toclear.
- Pleasefindencloseda cheque insettlementofyourinvoice.
- Acustomerhadtriedtopassoff adudcheque .
- I made a cheque out for £20 to 'Henry's Supermarket'.
- When she got her firstsalarycheque, sheindulgedin anorgyofspending.
Payment methods
- anti-kickback
- ATM card
- automatic withdrawal
- bad cheque
- baksheesh
- cashback
- chip
- commission
- legal tender
- liquefy
- liquid
- monometallic
- non-cash
- non-monetary
- non-money
- non-paying
- payoff
- per calendar month
- whip-round