informal(alsoGreenie)uk/ˈɡriː.ni/us/ˈɡriː.ni/apersonwhocaresvery much about theenvironmentandwantstoprotectit from beingdamaged:
He isfarfrom being a greenie, and has beencriticizedfor hislackofconcernoverglobalwarming.
If thesewarningshad come from a Greenie they would have beenignored.
- Theircivilengineeringcoursehas afocusonenvironmentalissuesso would beidealfor you if you're abitof a greenie.
- Animalloversand greenieseverywherewillwanttobuyfrom this new plant-basedrange.
- I'm not a "Greenie" butrecyclingis something Ifeelquitestronglyabout.
- Hybridcarsfirstbecamepopularwith greenies.
- Everyone fromDepartmentof Energyofficialsto greeniesagreesthatsolarpoweris the region'sbestoption.
Environmental issues
- agroecology
- air pollution
- anti-conservation
- anti-conservationist
- anti-consumer
- biodegradable
- carbon neutral
- environmentally
- feed-in tariff
- food insecure
- food insecurity
- food secure
- noise pollution
- nuclear winter
- populate
- sustainably
- tidal power
- tree hugger
- ultra-efficient
informal(alsoGreenie)feelingorexpressingcarefor theenvironmentand thewishtoprotectit:
He writes a greenieblogin hissparetime.
I was having adiscussionaboutlanduse with a Greeniefriend.
- Cleanenergyhaschangedfrom a greenie,radicalconcernto amainstreambusinessandeconomicissue.
- This greeniewebsiteoffersusefuladviceaboutnaturalburials.
- "They're all Greenieweirdos," he saysdismissively.
Environmental issues
- agroecology
- air pollution
- anti-conservation
- anti-conservationist
- anti-consumer
- biodegradable
- carbon neutral
- environmentally
- feed-in tariff
- food insecure
- food insecurity
- food secure
- noise pollution
- nuclear winter
- populate
- sustainably
- tidal power
- tree hugger
- ultra-efficient