green screen
uk/ˈɡriːn ˌskriːn/us/ˈɡriːn ˌskriːn/agreensurfaceused as abackgroundwhen making afilmortelevisionprogramme, so that anyimagecanreplacethescreenbehind theactors; the use of thismethodinfilming:
(电影或电视节目制作中,用于替换背景的)绿屏,绿幕;使用绿屏,使用绿幕Thevideowasfilmedentirelyinfrontof agreenscreenover thecourseof oneday.该视频完全是在绿屏前拍摄的,历时一天。
Actors now are used toworkingwithgreenscreen, and it's abigpartof what we do.演员们现在已经习惯了与绿屏合作,这也是我们工作的一个重要部分。

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- Shesatfor eachself-portraitinfrontof agreenscreen, thendigitallyinsertedthe differentsettings.
- Greenscreensandspecialeffectshave takenjobsfromstuntdoubles.
- In thosedaysthere was noCGI, nogreenscreen, no 3D.
- It was acheapremakefilmedentirelyongreenscreen.
- Thegreenscreenworkin the show isprettydreadful.
Cinema & theatre: production, direction & recording
- acquire
- acquisition
- armourer
- auteur
- canister
- computer-animated
- filmmaker
- filmmaking
- fog machine
- helmer
- linear
- mise en scène
- produce
- recut
- reshoot
- restage
- run throughsomething
- screen test
- setting
- special effect
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