green wall
uk/ˈɡriːn ˌwɔːl/us/ˈɡriːn ˌwɑːl/(alsoliving wall,vertical garden)awallcoveredwithplantsthat aregrowingincontainersor onspecialmaterialattachedto thewall, often used when there is not muchspacetogrowthings on theground:
(覆盖着植物的)生态墙(植物生长在容器里或附着在墙上的特殊材料上,通常在没有足够土地栽种植物时使用)Greenwallscanhelpthehealthof acity.生态墙有助于城市的健康。
Wrap thegardenwithediblegreenwallsplantedwithsaladleaves.让种满色拉叶的可食用生态墙把花园包围起来。

Lisa Stokes/Moment/GettyImages
- Greenwallsare anincreasinglypopularfeatureindomesticgardens.
- Learn how wecreatestunninggreenwalls.
- Fromrooftopgardensandgreenwalls, the plant-love inourcitiescontinuestogrow.
Parts of gardens
- arbour
- bed
- border
- bower
- flower bed
- hedging
- herbaceous border
- kitchen garden
- lawn
- living wall
- parterre
- patio
- perennial border
- raised bed
- rock garden
- rockery
- seedbed
- shrubbery
- terrace
- vertical garden