grey zone
noun[Cusually singular]
UK(USgray zone)uk/ˈɡreɪ ˌzəʊn/us/ˈɡreɪ ˌzoʊn/activitiesby astatethat areharmfulto anotherstateand are sometimesconsideredto beactsofwar, but are notlegallyactsofwar:
灰色区域(一国损害他国但不一定违反法律的战争行为)Conflict in thegreyzonehas nosingleagreed-upondefinition.无法统一定义发生在灰色区域的冲突。
See also
hybrid warfarespecialized
asituationin which it is notclearwhether something islegalorillegal,acceptableor notacceptable, etc.:
There is aconsiderablegreyzonein thelawwhen it comes toonlinepublishing.
Thearticleis about the manygreyzonesandpitfallsofdatingin thepostfeministera.
- Greyzonescan be animportantelementofhybridwarfare.
- They gotcaughtcrossingthelinefrom thegreyzonethatliesbetweenpeaceandwar.
- There is alargegreyzonebetweennormalandabnormallevels.
- Even whenrulesaren'tbroken, researchers oftenworkin anethicalgreyzonebyofferingchildrenortheirparentsgiftcertificatesto takepartinresearch.
- amorphous
- arguable
- be neither fish nor fowlidiom
- blurred
- blurry
- circumstantial
- conflicted
- dodgy
- insecurely
- insecurity
- it remains to be seenidiom
- it's early daysidiom
- joker in the packidiom
- spec
- sputter
- squishy
- stutter
- swither
- tentative
- unwritten