uk/ˈɡrɪf.ɪn/us/ˈɡrɪf.ɪn/(alsogriffon,gryphon,uk/ˈɡrɪf.ən/us/ˈɡrɪf.ən/)animaginarycreaturewith theheadandwingsof aneagleand thebodyof alion:
There aresuperbmouldedplasterceilingsdepictingfleurs de lis, griffons,owls, andrams.
Thegoddessisdepictedridingon a gryphon.

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- In 1878 theoriginalgatewaywasreplacedby astatueof a griffin.
- The showincludesaseacreaturethatbreathesfireand agoddessflyingin on a griffin.
- Herideson ahugechariotwhichcarriesthesacredaltarsurmountedby ahugestatueof a griffon.
- Thecastof thetaleincludesdwarfs,centaurs, minotaurs,wonderfulflyinggryphons andintrepidfightingmice.
- Her "mythologicalseries"offersamenagerieofcreaturestaken fromlegendsandlore, such as the gryphon, the cockatrice, and the makara.
Mythological & legendary characters
- Abominable Snowman
- Anancy
- Andromeda
- Ares
- basilisk
- changeling
- Cinderella
- faun
- giantess
- harpy
- imp
- makara
- mermaid
- merman
- Minerva
- Neptune
- Nessie
- sphinx
- the Loch Ness Monster
- the sandman