grill pan
uk/ˈɡrɪl ˌpæn/us/ˈɡrɪl ˌpæn/aheavypanwithraisedlineson the inside of thebase:
Agrillpanis akindoffryingpanwith aribbedsurfacetoletthefatdrainfromfood.
Use acastirongrillpanwith ahandlethat can go in theoven.
UK(USbroiler pan);(Australian Englishgrill tray)
anopen,rectangularmetalcontainer, often with aframeofmetalbarsinside, on whichfoodiscookedunder thegrill(= anupperinsidesurfacewhich can beheatedtocookfoodplacedbelow it)in acooker:
Arrange theslicesofbreadon agrillpanandbrownon bothsidesuntilcrispandwarmedthrough.

monkeybusinessimages/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Place themeaton thegrillpanandleavefor 2minutes, until theoutsideisgoldenandcrusted.
- Manygrillpansare made ofcastiron.
- Thegrillpanwas onfireand thekitchenwasfilledwiththicksmoke.
Pots & pans
- anti-stick
- bakeware
- baking sheet
- broiler pan
- Bundt tin
- cauldron
- cookware
- deep fat fryer
- double boiler
- Dutch oven
- non-stick
- ovenproof
- ovenware
- pipkin
- pressure cooker
- springform tin
- steamer
- tajine
- Teflon
- wok