a man:
男人He's a reallyniceguy.他真是个好人。
Do youmeanthe guy with theblondehairandglasses?你说的是那个满头金发戴眼镜的男人吗?
used toaddressagroupofpeopleof eithersex:
(用于称呼不论男女的一群人)大家,各位,伙计们Come on, you guys, let's go.快点,伙计们,咱们走吧。
in the UK, amodelof a man that isburnedon alargefireon Guy Fawkes Night
盖伊‧福克斯之夜(11月5日,英国人在这天晚上焚烧盖伊‧福克斯模拟像并放烟花以纪念挫败1605年盖伊‧福克斯企图炸毁英国议会的阴谋)- She wasengagedto some guy in thearmy.
- That guy in thegreyjackethas beeneyeingyou up allevening.
- I don'tseewhat thefussis about - heseemslike afairlyordinarylookingguy to me.
- Hey, are you guys coming to Angela'sparty?
- I'm just going out for adrinkwith the guys.
People in general
- beggar
- bird
- bod
- body
- character
- coot
- devil
- fellow man/men
- figure
- landlubber
- loiterer
- lubber
- mankind
- party
- peeps
- person
- sod
- stiff
- vessel
- wretch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Objects & decorations connected with celebrations
[C](alsoguy rope,uk/ˈɡaɪ ˌrəʊp/us/ˈɡaɪ ˌroʊp/);(USalsoguyline,uk/ˈɡaɪ ˌlaɪn/us/ˈɡaɪ ˌlaɪn/)
aropethat at one end isconnectedto atentorpoleand at the other end isfastenedto thegroundby apeg,keepingthetentorpoleinposition
clubfoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- awning
- billy
- bivouac
- bivvy
- bivvy sack
- camping
- camping site
- campsite
- canopy tent
- canvas
- caravan site
- caravanning
- encampment
- pitch
- ridge pole
- ridge tent
- sleeping bag
- tent city
- tent pole
- tented village
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cords, ropes, cables & string