noun[Cusually plural]
uk/ˈpiː.faʊl/us/ˈpiː.faʊl/pluralpeafowlalargebird, themaleof which has verylongtailfeathersthat it canspreadout to showbrightcoloursandpatterns:
孔雀If peafowlpeckat awindow, putcardboardbehind it so they can'tseetheirreflection.如果孔雀啄窗户的话,就在后面放上纸板,这样它们就在玻璃里看不到自己了。
Sherunsa peafowlsanctuaryinSantaBarbara.她在圣巴巴拉经营一个孔雀保护区。

Gerard Soury/The Image Bank/Getty Images /GettyImages
- Amajorcomplaintagainst peafowl istheirpiercingscreech.
- Peafowltendtoroostintrees.
- When the peafowl areactivelyseekingamate, theytendtobecomeaggressivewith one another.
Other wild birds
- bird of paradise
- blackbird
- blue tit
- bluebird
- bluejay
- finch
- flycatcher
- goldfinch
- greenfinch
- honeyeater
- lorikeet
- lyrebird
- macaw
- magpie
- martin
- song thrush
- sparrow
- squab
- starling
- swift