(alsore-plumb)uk/ˌriːˈplʌm/ustoremovewaterpipesfrom abuildingordeviceandsupplyit with newones:
They had to replumb,rewire, and reroof thehouse.
Theapartmentbuildingwascompletelyreplumbed and a newboilerwasinstalled.
- Thecellarisdampand thepropertyneedsrewiring, re-plumbing, and a newkitchenandbathroom.
- Ideally, we would have adrinkingfountainin everyclassroom, but that wouldinvolvereplumbing thewholeschool.
- They willcoverthecostof reconnectinggasandelectricitysupplies, re-plumbing thewashingmachines, andredecoratingthebedrooms.
Building: plumbing, pipes & sewage
- ballcock
- caulking
- cesspit
- cistern
- conduit
- hydrant
- influent
- mixer tap
- outfall
- overflow
- plumb
- plunger
- sewage works
- sewer
- siphon
- spigot
- standpipe
- stopcock
- syphon
- waterworks