(alsore-sprout)uk/ˌriːˈspraʊt/ustostartproducingleavesor other newpartsagain, or (ofleavesand otherparts) tobegintogrowagain:
Theoaksmayrecoversoonerthan thepinesbecause they can resprout fromtheirbase.
Don'tcuttheplantslowerthan thelowestleavesor they will not re-sprout.
- Weplanto getridof some of the moreaggressiveplants,includingthose that have resprouted after beingcut.
- Several of theshrubsare resprouting.
- Some of therootsmay re-sprout, in whichcaseyou shouldspraythem with moreweedkiller.
- Nearly 70percentof thesestumpslaterresprout andgrowoncemore.
New growth in plants
- bud
- coccygeus
- collateral
- colli
- colliculus
- collum
- commissure
- communis
- compartment
- complement system
- established
- eye
- nutrient cycling
- shoot
- sprout
- sucker
(alsore-sprout)uk/ˈriːˌspraʊt/usapartof adamagedplantthat isbeginningtogrowagain:
Anumberofrootswith noobviousdamageproducedresprouts.
Resproutsgrewasquicklyas theoriginalroots,indicatingthat resprouting is anefficientmechanismforrecoveringfromdamage.
- Wecomparedthenumberof resproutsobservedin thewetanddryseasonswith theexpectednumber.
- Thegrowingtipof the resprouts had the samerateofgrowthas thetipofhealthyoriginalroots.
New growth in plants
- bud
- coccygeus
- collateral
- colli
- colliculus
- collum
- commissure
- communis
- compartment
- complement system
- established
- eye
- nutrient cycling
- shoot
- sprout
- sucker