to (causesomeone or something to)stopdoing aparticularactivityorstopbeingactivefor aperiodoftimeinordertorelaxand get backyourstrength:
(使)暂停,(使)停止;(使)休息Thedoctortold him that he should rest for a fewdays.医生告诉他应该休息几天。
Helookedaway from thecomputerscreento rest hiseyes.他把视线从电脑显示屏上移开,让眼睛休息一下。
Shepromisedthat she would not rest(= would notstoplooking)until themurdererof hersonwascaughtandimprisoned.她发誓杀害她儿子的凶手不被捕入狱,她就不会善罢甘休。
See also
be restinginformal
to be anactorwho does not have anywork:
(演员)没有接到戏而呆在家里Over 90percentofprofessionalactorsare resting at any giventime.任何时候都有超过90%的职业演员无戏可演。
I rest my caselawspecialized(alsomy case rests)
said bylawyersin alawcourtwhen they havefinishedtheexplanationoftheircase
(律师出庭用语)陈述完毕。- "Youlooktired- you should gohomeand rest." "I'm going to dopreciselythat."
- Mydoctorsaid I waslookingrun-downand ought to take sometimeto rest.
- Wetravelledbynightand rested byday.
- She was told tostayinbedto rest herinjuredback.
- Feeling tired-out is Nature's way oftellingyou to rest.
Passive and not working
- anywhere
- breather
- breathing space
- bum around
- dormancy
- dormant
- idle
- laze
- leavesomeonebeidiom
- lie around
- moribund
- navel
- non-physical
- recharge
- siesta
- sit onyourarseidiom
- sit onyourhandsidiom
- sit round
- slob
- slob around (something)
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of employment
Cinema & theatre: acting, rehearsing & performing
Lawyers & legal officials
[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
tolieorleanon something, or to put something on somethingelseso thatitsweightissupported:
躺;倚;靠She rested herheadonmyshoulder.她把头靠在我的肩膀上。
Thebicyclewas restingagainstthewall.自行车靠墙放着。
- Shesatbehind thetable, herchinresting in herhands.
- They rested themirroragainst thewall.
- Thedomerests on fourmarblecolumns.
- He rested hisheadon thecushion.
- Theelephantswerestandingin alinewiththeirfrontlegsresting on each other'sbacks.
- crowd-surfing
- fallen
- fetal position
- foetal position
- full-length
- lean
- lie
- lounge around (something)
- prone
- prone positioning
- proning
- prostrate
- prostration
- sink
- sink intosomething
- sit back
- sprawl
- sprawled
- spreadeagled
- stretch
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physical supports and supporting
toremainin aparticularstateorplace:
保持不变We cannotallowthematterto rest here(= toremainas it is)-furtheractionhas to be taken.我们不能允许这件事保持现状,一定要继续采取行动。
Staying and remaining
- closeted
- halt
- hang
- hold
- holdsomethingover
- hung
- non-tenured
- outstay
- overstay
- overwinter
- remain
- spot
- stand
- stay putidiom
- stick
- stick around
- stop
- stop in
- tarry
- tenured
rest easy
I rest my case
rest in peace
rest onyourlaurels
Phrasal verbs
rest onsomeone/something
rest on/uponsomething
rest on/uponsomeone/something
rest up
rest withsomeone
rest withsomeone/something
uk/rest/us/rest/restnoun(OTHER PART)
the rest[S,+ sing/pl verb]
the other things,people, orpartsthatremainor that have not beenmentioned:
剩余部分;其余;其余的人I've got twobrightstudents, but the rest areaverage.我班上有两个特别聪明的学生,但是其他人都表现平平。
I'llkeepa third of themoneyand the rest is for you.钱我留下1/3,其余的归你。
Do you have anythingplannedfor the restoftheday?这天剩余的时间你安排什么事了吗?
- Youdeposit20% now andpaythe rest when thecarisdelivered.
- Hereadherletteraloudto the rest of thefamily.
- He's a very goodexampleto the rest of theclass.
- It's a verynicesofabut it doesn'tfitin with the rest of theroom.
- Onemotorbikepeeledaway from theformationandcircledround behind the rest.
Things remaining
- (and) all the restidiom
- balance
- bastion
- cremains
- cutpiece
- deposit
- dregs
- hangover
- redoubt
- relic
- remainder
- remains
- remnant
- residual
- stub
- survival
- throwback
- time capsule
- unallocated
- uneaten
aperiodoftimein which yourelax, do not do anythingactive, orsleep:
暂停,停止;休息After they hadcarriedthepianoup thestairs, theystoppedfor a rest.他们把钢琴搬到楼上后,停下来休息了一会儿。
Thedoctorprescribedsomepillsand told her toget/havea week's rest.医生开了些药,并嘱咐她休息一周。
aperiodofsilencebetweenmusicalnotes, or asymbolthatrepresentsthis:
at rest
not doing anythingactive, or notmoving:
静止;不动;休息Herheartbeatis only 55 at rest.她在安静状态下心跳每分钟只有55次。
used as apoliteway to say that someone isdead:
(死亡的委婉说法)长眠,安息Yourfatherwas a verytroubledman, but he's at rest now.你父亲一生坎坷,但是他现在可以安息了。
come to rest
tostop, usually in aparticularplace:
(通常在某个地方)停止,停下来,静止下来Thecarhitthekerb,rolledover and came to rest in aditch.汽车撞到马路边石上,翻滚到路沟里停了下来。
- It's not a goodideatodriveforhourswithout a rest.
- Chrisphonedto say they'darrivedsafely, so that really put mymindat rest.
- After sixhoursworkin thegarden, wesatdown for a much-needed rest.
- I'm nottiredat themomentbut I will need a rest at somestageduring thewalk.
- Theelderlygenerallyneedfarless rest than theyoung, andtendtosleepin severalshortstretches.
Periods of time - general words
- age
- at/in one sittingidiom
- chapter
- day
- digital age
- duration
- leeway
- length
- life cycle
- lifetime
- making
- me time
- period
- session
- sleep
- spasm
- tide
- time lag
- time span
- timescale
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Beats or lengths of musical notes
Passive and not working
Death and dying
Staying and remaining
anobjectthatsupportstheweightof something:
支撑物;支架;基座I used apileofbooksas a restformytelescope.我用一摞书作望远镜支架。
See also
Physical supports and supporting
- abutment
- bolster
- bookend
- bracket
- burden
- buttress
- groan
- lath
- load-bearing
- pier
- pile
- pillar
- prop
- propsomethingup
- rafter
- rib
- sinew
- underpin
- unsupported
- weight-bearing
(and) all the rest
for the rest
give it a rest
the rest is history