gypsy moth
uk/ˌdʒɪ ˈmɒθ/us/ˌdʒɪ ˈmɑːθ/atypeofmoth(= aninsectsimilarto abutterfly)whosecaterpillars(= theyoungformsof themoth)causea lot ofdamagetotrees:
舞毒蛾Tocontrolgypsymoths, thestateuses abacterialinsecticide.为了控制舞毒蛾,这个州使用一种细菌杀虫剂。
![picture of gypsy moth picture of gypsy moth](
Ed Reschke/Stone/GettyImages
- Thatyearthere was adramaticincreasein thedamagecausedbygypsymothsinVirginia.
- Forinformationon thegypsymoth, go toourwebsite.
- Liketinymunchingmachines,gypsymothcaterpillarsaredefoliatingtreesacrossthestate.
- Christmastreegrowersin Lane Countysufferedhugelossesafter agypsymothinfestation.
Insect names
- anopheles
- ant
- aphid
- beastie
- bedbug
- daddy longlegs
- damselfly
- deathwatch beetle
- dragonfly
- dust mite
- insect
- jigger
- ladybird
- lice
- lightning bug
- sow bug
- spider mite
- stick insect
- swallowtail
- termite