uk/ˈkrɒn.ɪ.klər/us/ˈkrɑː.nɪ.klɚ/apersonwho writesdescriptionsofhistoricaleventsas theyhappen:
He was aphotographerand chronicler oflifein thepoorestneighbourhoodsat the end of the 19thcentury.
Medieval chroniclersworkedfrommonasteriesandroyalcourts, setting down whatseemedto be the mostimportanteventsof theday.
- Hebecamethe world'sforemostchronicler of aforgottencivilizationknownas the Chachapoya.
- For someyearsshe has been a chronicler of Wyoming's ranchlands.
- Peter Martyr d'Anghiera was theprincipalcontemporarychronicler ofColumbusand otherexplorersof the 15thcentury.
- From 1941 untilitsclosingin 2009, Gourmetmagazinewas the chronicler of Americanfoodtrends.
People who write for work or pleasure
- autobiographer
- blogger
- Braillist
- co-author
- co-authorship
- columnist
- correspondent
- dramatist
- essayist
- humorist
- poet
- scriptwriter
- shorthand typist
- songwriter
- speechwriter
- stenographer
- stylist
- tweep
- tweeter
- twitterati