harp seal
uk/ˈhɑːp ˌsiːl/us/ˈhɑːrp ˌsiːl/atypeofseal(= alargemammalthateatsfishandlivespartlyin theseaandpartlyonland)that isfoundin theNorthAtlantic, and that isgreywithdarkmarksonitsback:
(生活在北大西洋的)鞍纹海豹Canadaestimatesthat 5 millionharpsealsliveandbreedonitsshores.加拿大估计有500万只竖琴海豹在其海岸上繁衍生息。

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- Harpsealsarehuntedcommerciallyin Canada, Greenland, Russia, and Norway.
- Walruses andharpsealsliveonpackice.
- Thepracticeofclubbingharpsealpups, or "whitecoats", was onlyrecentlyprohibitedby theCanadiangovernment.
- Conservationeffortshaveledto anincreasein theharpsealpopulation.
Marine mammals
- beluga
- cetacean
- dolphin
- dugong
- elephant seal
- fur seal
- grey seal
- humpback whale
- killer whale
- manatee
- minke whale
- monk seal
- narwhal
- orca
- porpoise
- sea cow
- sea lion
- sperm whale
- walrus
- whale