astripofclothor acurvedplasticstripwornin thehair, thatfitscloselyover thetopof theheadand behind theears:
Sheworeablackhairbandpushingback herblondehair.

Jure Gasparic/EyeEm/GettyImages
asmallringofelastic(=materialthatstretches)used fortyingyourhairin aponytail(=hairtiedat the back ofyourheadso ithangsdown like a horse'stail), etc.:
You canbuyabagof 300clearelastichairbands for £2.99.
You didn'twearhairbands back in the 80s; ascrunchywas the only thing tokeepyourlocksup.

Gabriele Ritz/EyeEm/GettyImages
- We allworesparklytinselhairbands to theChristmasparty.
- Wear abunandsimpleblackhairband forevening.
- Herhairwaspulledback in atighthairband.
- amiddle-agedwoman in atweedskirtandvelvethairband
- All she had to do wastwistherhairthrough anelasticatedhairband andpintheresultingpony-tail into whatevershapeshewanted.
Hair care
- argan oil
- blow dryer
- blowout
- bobble
- bobby pin
- brush
- coconut oil
- curling tongs
- delouse
- gel
- hair gel
- hairgrip
- henna
- lacquer
- permanent wave
- relaxer
- roller
- snood
- straighteners
- styling