(alsohead lamp)uk/ˈhed.læmp/us/ˈhed.læmp/headlampnoun[C](CAR LIGHT)
alarge,powerfullightat thefrontof avehicle, usually one of two:
(汽车等的)头灯,前灯You couldseethebeamsof thecarheadlamps.你可以看到汽车前灯发出的光束。
I had tochangea headlampbulbon mycar.我得给车的前灯换个灯泡。

Mohamed Elkhamisy/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Heremembersmowingthelawnby thelightofcarheadlamps.
- Park thevehiclewith theheadlampsoff.
- I got into thecarandturnedoff theheadlamps.
The exterior of vehicles
- a fifth/third wheelidiom
- bonnet
- bull bar
- cab
- cartwheel
- coachwork
- finny
- fog light
- full beam
- hazard light
- headlight
- high beams
- hubcap
- mudflap
- side mirror
- sidelight
- sunroof
- tire
- tread
- wing
headlampnoun[C](LIGHT FOR HEAD)
US(UKhead torch)
alightwornon thehead, forexamplewhen going under theground:

JV Korotkova/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Workers'headlampscutthrough thedarkness.
- Thesurgeonwearsa headlamp tocontrolthelightsheneeds.
- Wearingheadlampsand 20-poundbackpacks, they set out tojogan 85-milelooparound Glacier Peak.
Lighting & light fittings in the home
- bulb
- candelabra
- candle
- candlestick
- candlewick
- chandelier
- halogen lamp
- head torch
- hurricane lamp
- lamp
- lampshade
- penlight
- rope light
- SAD lamp
- searchlight
- solar lantern
- unlit
- uplighter
- votive candle
- wick