释义 |
pastpreposition,adverb(POSITION)A2in or to apositionthat isfurtherthan aparticularpoint: 经过 Iliveon Station Road, just past thepostoffice.我住在车站路,就在邮局过去一点。 Threeboyswentpast us onmountainbikes.3个男孩骑着山地车从我们身边经过。 Was that Peter who justjoggedpast in thosebrightpinkshorts?刚从我们身边慢跑过去、穿亮粉色短裤的人是彼得吗? - Shewalkedrightpast me withoutnoticingme.
- As thebattleshipsailedpast, everyone ondeckwaved.
- Back in the 1960s he hadhairdown past hisshoulders.
- Thepolicecardrovepast at aterrificspeed.
- Thedemonstratorsformedasolidwalltostopthepolicefrom getting past them.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAhead, in front and beyond - ahead
- ahead of
- ante
- be (right) underyournoseidiom
- before
- beyond
- downriver
- follow
- followyournoseidiom
- fore
- front
- front end
- head
- lead
- nose
- para
- up
- yonder
pastpreposition,adverb(TIME)A1used to say what thetimeis when it is aparticularnumberofminutesafter anhour: (时间)晚于,过 It'sfive/ten/aquarter/twenty/twenty-five/halfpast three.现在是3点5分/10分/一刻/20分/25分/半。 I need toleaveat twenty past or I'llmissthattrain.在过20的时候我就得走,不然就赶不上火车了。 B2above aparticularageorfurtherthan aparticularpoint: (年龄或程度)超过,超出 She's past theagewhere sheneedsababysitter.她已经过了需要找人照看的年龄。 Do what youwant, I'm pastcaring(= I don'tcareanylonger).你想干什么就干什么吧,我已经不在乎了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDays & times of day - afternoon
- afternoons
- am
- arvo
- at the crack of dawnidiom
- happy hour
- high noon
- hour
- in broad daylightidiom
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- night
- nocturnal
- nocturnally
- noon
- noontime
- o'clock
- the witching hour
- wee small hours
- workday
- working day
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Ahead, in front and beyond Idiomsbe past it be pastyoursell-by date not put it pastsomeone(to dosomething) pastadjective(TIME BEFORE)B1used to refer to aperiodoftimebefore and until thepresent: 过去的 Theaveragetemperatureworldwidehasrisenby about onedegreeFahrenheitinthe past 100years.在过去的100年内,全世界的平均气温已上升了大约1华氏度。 I've beenwalkingthreemilesadayforthe past 30years.在过去的30年里我每天都步行3英里。 He was the fifthclimbertodieon thesemountainsoverthe past twodays.他是过去两天内第五个死在这些山上的登山者。 Incenturies/yearspast(= manycenturies/yearsago)evenvisitingthe nextvillagewasconsideredalongjourney.数个世纪/数年前,连到邻村去都被视为一次长途跋涉。 B1[before noun]havinghappenedorexistedbefore now: 刚过去的,以前的 Iknowfrom pastexperiencethat you can'tjudgebyappearances.我凭以往的经验知道不能以貌取人。 Theprimeminister'sfamilyhave beeninstructednot todiscusshis pastlifewith thepress.首相的家人被吩咐不要和媒体谈及他过去的生活。 [after verb]finished: 结束了的 I'mfeelingmuchbetternow that thecoldweatheris past.冷天过去了,我现在感觉好受多了。 - Thedoghas been herconstantcompanionthese past tenyears.
- I'msorryI didn'tphoneyou, but I've been verybusyover the pastcoupleofweeks.
- Martinbrokehislegplayingfootballand has been oncrutchesfor the past sixweeks.
- Economically thecountryhas beenimprovingsteadilythese past tenyears.
- Thenumberofemployeesin thecompanyhastrebledover the pastdecade.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIn the past - ago
- any moreidiom
- anymore
- back in the dayidiom
- back thenidiom
- bygone
- departed
- dim
- flood
- many moons agoidiom
- mist
- moon
- more
- no longeridiom
- retro
- rewind the clockidiom
- sometime
- step
- the mists of timeidiom
- the status quo ante
See more results » pastadjective(GRAMMAR)[before noun]languageof the pasttense: 过去式的 "Must" does not have a pastform.must 没有过去式。 - Add -ed to all theseverbsto put them in the pasttense.
- Ithinkherhusbandmust bedead- she alwaystalksabout him in the pasttense.
- How do you say that in the pasttense?
- "Was doing" is the pastcontinuousformof theverb.
- The pastperfectisillustratedby 'had done'.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: verb forms, tenses & types of verbs - accusative
- art
- bare infinitive
- bent
- continuous
- infinitive
- non-progressive
- passive
- passivization
- pluperfect
- present
- present participle
- progressive
- subjunctive
- the active voice
- the first person
- the future perfect
- the past continuous
- the past tense
- the present continuous
See more results » GrammarDefinite time in the past We use the past simple to refer to definite time in the past (when we specify the time or how long) and usually with past time expressions such as yesterday, two weeks ago, last year, in 1995:… Time up to now We use the present perfect to talk about time up to now, that is, events that took place in the past but which connect with the present. The present perfect is often used with time expressions which indicate time up to now, for example today, this year, in the last six months:… Past There are a number of ways of talking about the past:… Past verb forms referring to the present We sometimes use a past verb form to talk about present time, in order to be more polite or less direct:… pastnoun[S](TIME BEFORE)B1theperiodbefore and until, but notincluding, thepresenttime: 过去 Evolution canexplainthe past, but it can neverpredictthefuture.进化能解释过去,但永远无法预知未来。 Inthe past, thissortofworkwas all done byhand.在过去,这种活儿完全是手工完成的。 Bywinningthe 1500metres, hejoinssome of thegreatnamesofthe past.赢得1500米比赛的冠军后,他已经能够与昔日的一些伟大运动员比肩。 a past apartof someone'slifein which they didunacceptableordishonestthings: (不光彩的)过去He's a manwitha past.他有一段不光彩的过去。 Hisparentsdidn'twanthim tomarrya woman with a past. She had a past and she didn'tcarewhoknewabout it. People in thevillageknewhe had a past and werewaryof him. Emigrating was anattractiveoptionfor someone with a past theywantedtoleavebehind. - Some of theyoungerpopbandstrytoimitatetheirmusicalheroesfrom the past.
- In the past,knightsused towear(suitsof)armourinbattle.
- Giving upyourseatto anolderpersonseemsto be a thing of the past.
- Today,peopleare much moreconcernedabouttheirhealththan they were in the past.
- Hedecidedto put hisfailedmarriagebehind him and make acleanbreakwith the past.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIn the past - ago
- any moreidiom
- anymore
- back in the dayidiom
- back thenidiom
- bygone
- departed
- dim
- flood
- many moons agoidiom
- mist
- moon
- more
- no longeridiom
- retro
- rewind the clockidiom
- sometime
- step
- the mists of timeidiom
- the status quo ante
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: pastnoun[S](GRAMMAR)A2languagetheformof averbused todescribeactions,events, orstatesthathappenedorexistedbefore thepresenttime: (动词的)过去式 The past of "change" is "changed".change 的过去式是 changed。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: verb forms, tenses & types of verbs - accusative
- art
- bare infinitive
- bent
- continuous
- infinitive
- non-progressive
- passive
- passivization
- pluperfect
- present
- present participle
- progressive
- subjunctive
- the active voice
- the first person
- the future perfect
- the past continuous
- the past tense
- the present continuous
See more results » GrammarDefinite time in the past We use the past simple to refer to definite time in the past (when we specify the time or how long) and usually with past time expressions such as yesterday, two weeks ago, last year, in 1995:… Time up to now We use the present perfect to talk about time up to now, that is, events that took place in the past but which connect with the present. The present perfect is often used with time expressions which indicate time up to now, for example today, this year, in the last six months:… Past There are a number of ways of talking about the past:… Past verb forms referring to the present We sometimes use a past verb form to talk about present time, in order to be more polite or less direct:… Being polite or less direct We sometimes use a past verb form to talk about present time, in order to be more polite or less direct:… Things in the past that are still true Sometimes we use past verb forms to refer to things which were true or which happened in the past, even when they are still true now:… Past: typical errors We use the past simple, not the past continuous, to talk about past habits:… (Definition ofpastfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)pastpreposition,adverb(POSITION)A2in or to apositionthat isfurtherthan aparticularpoint 经过Iliveon Station Road, just past thepostoffice.我住在车站路,就在邮局过去一点。 Threeboyswentpast us onmountainbikes.3个男孩骑着山地车从我们身边经过。 Was that Peter who justjoggedpast in thosebrightpinkshorts?刚从我们身边慢跑过去、穿亮粉色短裤的人是彼得吗? - Shewalkedrightpast me withoutnoticingme.
- As thebattleshipsailedpast, everyone ondeckwaved.
- Back in the 1960s he hadhairdown past hisshoulders.
- Thepolicecardrovepast at aterrificspeed.
- Thedemonstratorsformedasolidwalltostopthepolicefrom getting past them.
pastpreposition,adverb(TIME)A1used to say what thetimeis when it is aparticularnumberofminutesafter anhour (时间)晚于,过It'sfive/ten/aquarter/twenty/twenty-five/halfpast three.现在是3点5分/10分/一刻/20分/25分/半。 I need toleaveat twenty past or I'llmissthattrain.在过20的时候我就得走,不然就赶不上火车了。 B2above aparticularageorfurtherthan aparticularpoint (年龄或程度)超过,超出She's past theagewhere sheneedsababysitter.她已经过了需要找人照看的年龄。 Do what youwant, I'm pastcaring(= I don'tcareanylonger).你想干什么就干什么吧,我已经不在乎了。 Idiomsbe past it be pastyoursell-by date not put it pastsb(to dosth) pastadjective(TIME BEFORE)B1[before noun]used to refer to aperiodoftimebefore and until thepresent 过去的Theaveragetemperatureworldwidehasrisenby about onedegreeFahrenheitinthe past 100years.在过去的100年内,全世界的平均气温已上升了大约1华氏度。 I've beenwalkingthreemilesadayforthe past 30years.在过去的30年里我每天都步行3英里。 He was the fifthclimbertodieon thesemountainsoverthe past twodays.他是过去两天内第五个死在这些山上的登山者。 Incenturies/yearspast(= manycenturies/yearsago)evenvisitingthe nextvillagewasconsideredalongjourney.数个世纪/数年前,连到邻村去都被视为一次长途跋涉。 B1[before noun]havinghappenedorexistedbefore now 刚过去的,以前的Iknowfrom pastexperiencethat you can'tjudgebyappearances.我凭以往的经验知道不能以貌取人。 Theprimeminister'sfamilyhave beeninstructednot todiscusshis pastlifewith thepress.首相的家人被吩咐不要和媒体谈及他过去的生活。 结束了的I'mfeelingmuchbetternow that thecoldweatheris past.冷天过去了,我现在感觉好受多了。 - Thedoghas been herconstantcompanionthese past tenyears.
- I'msorryI didn'tphoneyou, but I've been verybusyover the pastcoupleofweeks.
- Martinbrokehislegplayingfootballand has been oncrutchesfor the past sixweeks.
- Economically thecountryhas beenimprovingsteadilythese past tenyears.
- Thenumberofemployeesin thecompanyhastrebledover the pastdecade.
pastadjective(GRAMMAR)[before noun]languageof the pasttense 过去式的"Must" does not have a pastform.must 没有过去式。 - Add -ed to all theseverbsto put them in the pasttense.
- Ithinkherhusbandmust bedead- she alwaystalksabout him in the pasttense.
- How do you say that in the pasttense?
- "Was doing" is the pastcontinuousformof theverb.
- The pastperfectisillustratedby 'had done'.
GrammarDefinite time in the past We use the past simple to refer to definite time in the past (when we specify the time or how long) and usually with past time expressions such as yesterday, two weeks ago, last year, in 1995:… Time up to now We use the present perfect to talk about time up to now, that is, events that took place in the past but which connect with the present. The present perfect is often used with time expressions which indicate time up to now, for example today, this year, in the last six months:… Past There are a number of ways of talking about the past:… Past verb forms referring to the present We sometimes use a past verb form to talk about present time, in order to be more polite or less direct:… pastnoun[S](TIME BEFORE)B1theperiodbefore and until, but notincluding, thepresenttime 过去Evolution canexplainthe past, but it can neverpredictthefuture.进化能解释过去,但永远无法预知未来。 Inthe past, thissortofworkwas all done byhand.在过去,这种活儿完全是手工完成的。 Bywinningthe 1500metres, hejoinssome of thegreatnamesofthe past.赢得1500米比赛的冠军后,他已经能够与昔日的一些伟大运动员比肩。 a past apartof someone'slifein which they didunacceptableordishonestthings (不光彩的)过去He's a manwitha past.他有一段不光彩的过去。 - Some of theyoungerpopbandstrytoimitatetheirmusicalheroesfrom the past.
- In the past,knightsused towear(suitsof)armourinbattle.
- Giving upyourseatto anolderpersonseemsto be a thing of the past.
- Today,peopleare much moreconcernedabouttheirhealththan they were in the past.
- Hedecidedto put hisfailedmarriagebehind him and make acleanbreakwith the past.
pastnoun[S](GRAMMAR)A2languagetheformof averbused todescribeactions,events, orstatesthathappenedorexistedbefore thepresenttime (动词的)过去式The past of "change" is "changed".change 的过去式是 changed。 GrammarDefinite time in the past We use the past simple to refer to definite time in the past (when we specify the time or how long) and usually with past time expressions such as yesterday, two weeks ago, last year, in 1995:… Time up to now We use the present perfect to talk about time up to now, that is, events that took place in the past but which connect with the present. The present perfect is often used with time expressions which indicate time up to now, for example today, this year, in the last six months:… Past There are a number of ways of talking about the past:… Past verb forms referring to the present We sometimes use a past verb form to talk about present time, in order to be more polite or less direct:… Being polite or less direct We sometimes use a past verb form to talk about present time, in order to be more polite or less direct:… Things in the past that are still true Sometimes we use past verb forms to refer to things which were true or which happened in the past, even when they are still true now:… Past: typical errors We use the past simple, not the past continuous, to talk about past habits:… past| American Dictionarypastnoun[C/U](TIME BEFORE)theperiodbefore and until, but notincluding, thepresenttime: [U]In the past, astreetcarlinerandown 13thAvenue. Yourpast isyourlifebefore thepresenttime: [C]He nevertalksabout his past. pastadjective[not gradable](RELATING TO GRAMMAR)grammarhaving thetenseused todescribeactions,events, orstatesthathappenedorexistedbefore thepresenttime: The pasttenseof "change" is "changed." pastpreposition,adverb[not gradable](ON THE FAR SIDE)on thefarsideof something, or from onesideto the other: Theylivejust past thepostoffice. Threeboyswent past us onbikes. pastpreposition,adverb[not gradable](BEYOND)beyond or above aparticularpoint: Melissa is past theagewhere sheneedsababysitter. It’s already pastnoon. (Definition ofpastfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)above aparticularageoroutsideastatedlimit: More and morepeopleareworkinguntil pastretirementage. We're past thepointwherelosingacoupleofemployeeswillsaveus. during aperiodoftimebefore and until thepresent: Ourcostshaverisenby 15% in the pastyear. He'smanagedthesalesdepartmentfor the past 10years. We've beendiscussingtheissueover the past fewdays. havinghappenedorexistedbefore now: Iknowfrom pastexperiencethat thiscampaignwillwork. (Definition ofpastfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofpastpast Thus, archaeologists should be aware of every possible medium of communication - verbal, written, visual, sound - to express re-constructions of ancient pasts.From theCambridge English Corpus If recognizing the past's difference promoted its preservation, the act of preserving made that difference still more apparent.From theCambridge English Corpus In part, of course, who we are and who we believe we should be is determined by our pasts, our histories.From theCambridge English Corpus Rather, we argue that such types of pasts tend to use and promote empiricist and positivist epistemologies.From theCambridge English Corpus I will deal with each of these three aspects in turn, and hope to demonstrate how archaeological pasts are deeply imbricated in these narratives.From theCambridge English Corpus The real peculiarities of that history are the abrupt discontinuities - of which anti-militarism is one - between its pasts and futures.From theCambridge English Corpus They have impounded this land, re-made it into their far-off recollected pasts.From theCambridge English Corpus However, this is arguably not normally the situation in relation to currently contested pasts.From theCambridge English Corpus Figuration is about resetting the stage for possible pasts and futures.From theCambridge English Corpus Animals' mental representations of their pasts and their futures may or may not be functionally solipsistic, but their existence certainly extends beyond the here-and-now.From theCambridge English Corpus The pasts to which they looked were different, however, and so were the lessons they drew from them.From theCambridge English Corpus Memory books are structured and contain limited and always positive details of the residents' pasts.From theCambridge English Corpus The other reason is that these changes both occurred in contexts that were the products of contrasting pasts.From theCambridge English Corpus People require pasts that enable them to make sense of the lives they are in.From theCambridge English Corpus Anxiety about the relativist abyss in which 'all pasts are equal' has thwarted efforts to evaluate alternatives to 'objective science'.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithpastpastThese are words often used in combination withpast. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. ancient past The reconstruction was orchestrated through the collapsing of the sites' post-war present and its desired future on to its excavated and reimaginedancientpast. From theCambridge English Corpus colonial past In this milieu, the strategy of economic development was shaped by thecolonialpastand the nationalist present. From theCambridge English Corpus distant past My eyes were glued to the drawing as if they were objects animating a dream of mydistantpast. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/past## |