head restraint
uk/ˈhed rɪˌstreɪnt/us/ˈhed rɪˌstreɪnt/apartattachedto achair,especiallyaseatin acar, thatsupportstheheadandstopsit frommovingtoofarback:
(尤指汽车座椅的)头枕,头部保护装置In the 1980s manycarshad norearseatbelts, noairbags, and noheadrestraints.在1980年代,许多汽车没有后座安全带,没有安全气囊,也没有头枕。

Amir Mukhtar/Moment/GettyImages
adeviceorstrapattachedto ahelmetwornby aracingdriver, thatstopstheheadfrommovingtoofarforwardif there is anaccident:
- Millions ofmotoristsandtheirpassengersareriskingneckinjuriesbecause ofbadlypositionedheadrestraints.
- Therearseatscaneasilybefolded, without having toremovetheheadrestraints.
- Alackofheadrestraintwas theculpritin manyracinginjuries.
- Gordoncreditedhisheadrestraintwithsavinghislifein acrash.
- HepleadedwithNASCARdriverstowearheadrestraints.
The interior of vehicles
- back seat
- brake
- dashboard
- defogger
- demister
- dickey
- dimmer switch
- dip switch
- electrics
- footbrake
- gas pedal
- hooter
- horn
- inertia reel
- parking brake
- safety belt
- speedometer
- stick shift
- tachograph
- trim