theamountofspacebelow aroof,ceiling, orbridge, or below thetopof something:
It's asmallcarbut there'slotsof headroom.这是辆小型汽车,但它的内部空间很大。
Thelowheadroom on thestaircasecould be aproblem.
- Forrearpassengersthere is plenty ofwidthbut not much headroom.
- With thistypeofloftconversionthere will be less headroom, as theslopeof theroofisretainedin theconversion.
- Thebuildersof the M6 in the 1960s did notleaveenough headroom forboatsto go under themotorway.
- Thespaceinside thetentis good, withdecentheadroom.
- Pack thecucumbersinto thecanningjars, thencoverwithhotbrineleaving1/2inchof headroom.
Space - general words
- bay
- box
- chamber
- clearance
- elbow room
- expanse
- footprint
- indent
- room
- space
- spacial
- spacing
- spacious
- spaciously
- spatially
- standing room
- subzone
- void
- way
- zone
headroomnoun[U](OPPORTUNITY TO GROW)
business,finance & economicsspecialized
opportunityfor doing something,especiallyopportunitytodevelop,progress, orgrow:
Budgetsremainsufficientlylargeto give the Group headroomforfurthergrowth.
Within theplanmust becashflowforecaststhatensureyou have headroomtodealwithunforeseenshockssuch asinterestraterises.
- Ithinkit'simportanttochallengeyourself and take onrolesthat have got some headroom forpersonaldevelopment.
- Althoughonlineadvertisingisgrowingslowly, there is stillconsiderableheadroom for thecompanytogrowitsrevenues.
- Iftheirothercostsare going up there'sclearlyless headroom tosubsidizeaffordablehomes.
- another/a second bite at/of the cherryidiom
- be in with a shoutidiom
- best betidiom
- bite
- break
- foot
- half
- hay
- it's now or neveridiom
- last chance saloon
- look in
- make hay while the sun shinesidiom
- pass
- shop window
- smell bloodidiom
- sneak peek
- the American dream
- there are plenty more fish in the seaidiom
- toehold
- window