ukus/əˈstɪ verysmallwhite,pink, orredflowers:
Astilbes have thesegorgeouslongplumesofflowersthatlookverystrikingwhen inbloom.
If you'relookingfor afloweringplantthat will do well in theshadeandthrivesinmoistconditions, then astilbes are a goodbet.
Amongplantsin the newgardenare heuchera, ligularia,iris, astilbe, and lobelia.
false goat's beard
- Theleavesof the astilbe are fernlike andcontrastnicelywith thecolourfulflowerheads.
- Wedecidedtoplantastilbes, hostas, and someprimulasin aratherboggysectionof thegarden.
- Thecommonnamefor astilbes isfalsegoat'sbeard,presumablyfor aresemblanceto thefluffyflowerheads.
Flowers & flowering plants
- anemone
- antirrhinum
- aster
- aubretia
- azalea
- delphinium
- dog rose
- dogwood
- edelweiss
- elderflower
- locoweed
- lotus
- lupin
- mallow
- marigold
- sweet pea
- tulip
- unscented
- verbena
- viburnum