uk/hɔːl/us/hɑːl/hallnoun(PART OF HOUSE)
theareajust inside themainentranceof ahouse,apartment, or otherbuildingthatleadsto otherroomsand usually to thestairs:
Ileftmybagsinthe hall.我把书包落在门厅里了。

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apassageinside ahouse,apartmentbuilding,school,hotel, etc. withdoorsto otherroomsorapartmentsalongitssides:
There is ameetingroomdownthe hall from myoffice.
Sheranalongthe hall andknockedon her neighbour'sdoor.

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- Thekidsalwaysclutterthe hall up withschoolbagsandcoatsandstuff.
- We're having a newcarpetlaidin the hall nextweek.
- Aportraitof theearltakesprideofplacein theentrancehall.
- Sheranexcitedlydown the hall togreethercousins.
- You should not behangingaround in the halls duringclasses.
Parts of buildings: passages & entrance areas
- arcade
- archway
- breezeway
- concourse
- corridor
- desk
- entryway
- gangway
- gateway
- hallway
- marquee
- passage
- patio
- porch
- portal
- reception
- side entrance
- side return
- terrace
- vestibule
hallnoun(LARGE ROOM)
abuildingorlargeroomused foreventsinvolvinga lot ofpeople:
礼堂,大厅,会堂theRoyalAlbert Hall皇家艾伯特厅
I'mplayingin aconcertat thechurchhall.
- Thepeopleat the back of the hallstartedjeeringat thespeaker.
- There's abigsportshall fortennisandbadmintonand such like.
- Thepresentationofprizesandcertificateswill takeplacein themainhall.
- Thechildrenfunnelledalong thecorridorinto theschoolhall.
- The newconcerthallseats1500people.
Parts of buildings: rooms
- antechamber
- anteroom
- atelier
- attic
- ballroom
- efficiency room
- en suite
- eyrie
- family room
- form room
- multi-chambered
- multi-room
- observation lounge
- panic room
- pantry
- playroom
- waiting room
- wet room
- workroom
- workshop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Public buildings
[CorU]UK(alsoUKhalls);(USresidence hall)
Theguideis called "Cheap Sleeps inEurope" andincludescampsites,studenthalls and B&Bs.
I was 21 andlivingin auniversityhall.
Students usuallyeatbreakfastinhall.
Is itcheapertoliveinhalls orrentprivately?
- Hisdecisiontostayathomeisunsurprisingwhen thecostofstudenthalls in London isconsidered.
- Anexampleof someone usingEnglishmight be aSpanishErasmusstudentchattingwith Austrianfriendsin astudenthall in Vienna.
- Securityinresidencehalls istight. Mostdormitoriesarekeptlockeddayandnight.
- Accommodation in halls isallocatedaccordingtocriteriathatincludesyearofstudy,ageandgeographicaldistancefrom theuniversity.
- He willlive"in hall" and have his ownroombut mustshareabathroom.
University & college education
- academe
- academia
- anti-university
- beadle
- business school
- go up
- grad
- graduate
- hall of residence
- honour
- Oxon
- pass degree
- poly
- polytechnic
- post-college
- the groves of academeidiom
- trimester
- varsity
- vice chancellor
- warden
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Houses & homes