pearly king
UKuk/ˌpɜː.li ˈkɪŋ/us/ˌpɝː.li ˈkɪŋ/a man from London who has therighttodressinspecialblackclothescoveredwithpearlbuttons, inordertocollectmoneyforcharity:
Pearlykingsandqueenswereplentifulall overcockneySouthLondon.
There were morebuttonsthan you'dfindon the back of apearlyking.

Barry Lewis/In Pictures/GettyImages
- Thepearlyking'scap,jacketandtrouserssparkledin thesunshine.
- ThecoverphotoshowsJack and Meg inpearlykingandqueencostumes.
- Heworeapearlykingberetcoveredwith hundreds ofbuttons.
Organizations - charities
- aid
- benevolence
- benevolent
- benevolent society
- button day
- charitable
- charity
- charity begins at homeidiom
- charity box
- food pantry
- foreign aid
- foundation
- friend
- non-profit
- non-profit-making
- not-for-profit
- pearly queen
- the Peace Corps
- the Red Crescent
- voluntary