uk/hænd/us/hænd/handnoun(BODY PART)
thepartof thebodyat the end of thearmthat is used forholding,moving,touching, andfeelingthings:
手Alltheirtoysare madebyhand.他们所有的玩具都是手工制作的。
Ideliveredherinvitationbyhand(= not using thepostalservice).我亲自送去她的请帖。
He canfixanything - he's sogood withhis hands.他什么都会修——他的手可真巧。
You have toholdmy hand when wecrosstheroad.我们过马路的时候你得拉着我的手。
Holdyourforkinyourlefthand andyourknifeinyourrighthand.左手拿叉,右手拿刀。
Shesat,peninhand(= with apenin her hand),searchingfor therightwords.她手拿钢笔坐在那里,在脑海中搜寻合适的词。
They can'tkeeptheirhandsoffeach other - they neverstopkissingandcuddling.他们的手就是离不开对方——他们不停地接吻拥抱。
"Congratulations!" she said andshookmeby thehand/shookmy hand/shookhandswithme.“祝贺你!”她握着我的手说道。
Shetookmeby thehand andledme into thecave.她拉着我的手,把我带进了洞里。
a handtowel手巾

- Thebabygrippedmyfingerwith hertinyhand.
- Hold theracquetin one hand and theballin the other.
- Theschoolprovidespapertowelsfor thechildrentodrytheirhands on.
- I've got my hands in mypocketstokeepthemwarm.
- Theteacheraskedus toformacircleandjoinhands.
The hand
- carpal
- carpometacarpal
- carpus
- cuticle
- dexterity
- dexterous
- finger
- fingertip
- heel
- knuckle
- left-handed
- left-hander
- little finger
- metacarpus
- minimus
- nail
- opposable
- palmar
- phalangeal
- pinkie
one of thelong,thinpiecesthatpointto thenumberson aclockorwatch:
(钟表的)指针Does anyone have awatchwith asecondhand?谁戴的表有秒针?

Oleg Moiseyenko/Moment/GettyImages
- Theminutehand islongerthan thehourhand.
- The hands anddialof thewatchglowin thedark.
- The hands on theclockshowedtheexacttimeat which theexplosionoccurred.
- Thewatchmovementregulatesthespeedat which the handsmove.
- The hands of thewatchareattachedtoindividualgearwheelsthatturnatspecificspeeds.
Watches & clocks
- 24-hour clock
- against the clockidiom
- alarm
- alarm clock
- at/on the stroke ofsomethingidiom
- atomic clock
- clock
- horologist
- horology
- hour hand
- hourglass
- jewel
- military time
- stroke
- tick
- ticking
- timekeeper
- timepiece
- turn the clocks backphrase
- twenty-four-hour clock
a (singlepartof a)gameofcards, or the set ofcardsthat aplayerhas in agame:
一局牌;一手牌Whowantstoplaya handofpoker?谁想玩一局扑克?
Youdealtme anappallinghand in thatgame.你发了那么一手臭牌给我。
Card games
- all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- bridge
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
helpwith doing something thatneedsa lot ofeffort:
帮助,帮忙[+ -ing verb]Would you likeahandcarryingthosebags?需要帮忙搬这些包吗?
Could yougive/lendmeahandwith(=helpme tomove)thetable,please?你能帮我搬一下这张桌子吗?
IthinkMatthew mightneed ahandwithhismathshomework.我看马修可能需要人帮他做数学家庭作业。
I could reallyuse ahandwiththeseaccountsif you couldspareamoment.如果你有空,我还真需要人帮忙清点这些账目。
to help someone
- helpCan I help you get that?
- aidThe project is designed to aid poorer countries.
- assistThe army arrived to assist in the search.
- collaborateWe collaborated on the project.
- cooperateSeveral countries are cooperating in the relief effort.
- benefitThe children have benefited greatly from the new facilities.
Helping and co-operating
- a good/bad turnidiom
- abet
- accommodative
- aid
- any port in a stormidiom
- assist
- assistance
- bridge
- carry
- facilitation
- givesomeonea leg upidiom
- give/lendsomeonea helping handidiom
- go a long way toward(s) doingsomethingidiom
- run errandsidiom
- share a platformidiom
- solid
- sponsor
- start(something)off
- succour
- supportively
apersonwho doesphysicalworkor isskilledorexperiencedin something:
体力劳动者;熟练工人How manyextrahands will we need tohelpwith theharvest?我们还需要多少人来帮着收割?
Ijoinedthefirmas afactoryhand andgraduallyworkedmy way up to thetop.我以工人的身份加入公司,通过努力逐渐升到了高层。
See also
船员,水手All hands ondeck!全体水手到甲板集合!
Types of employment
- admin
- administrative
- administrative assistant
- administratively
- at the coalfaceidiom
- jobless
- joblessness
- jobseeker
- labour-intensive
- lackey
- professionality
- qualified
- recertify
- redundancy
- redundant
- virtual assistant
- well qualified
- white-collar
- who's whoidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
People who work on boats & ships
involvementin orinfluenceover anevent:
参与,卷入;影响It is notthoughtthatterroristshad ahandintheexplosion.人们并不认为恐怖分子与此次爆炸有关。
Taking part and getting involved
- actor
- all in
- along
- attendee
- be (a) party tosomethingidiom
- catch
- concern
- go in onsomething
- hat
- have a horse in the raceidiom
- have skin in the gameidiom
- immersion
- muscle
- neck
- pitch in
- plunge
- plunge in/plunge intosomething
- punch above your weightidiom
- re-engage
- thick
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Power to control
clappingfor aperformer:
鼓掌,拍手喝彩Sopleasegive abighandto(=welcomewithclapping)yourhostfor theevening,BillCronshaw!请热烈鼓掌欢迎今晚的主持比尔‧克朗肖!
Praising and applauding
- acclaim
- acclamation
- accolade
- adulate
- adulation
- cheer
- dispatch
- eulogistic
- eulogize
- eulogy
- exalt
- extol
- honour
- paean
- panegyric
- panegyrical
- panegyrist
- patsomeoneon the backidiom
- rave
- slap
[S]old use
a person's writing:
Writing & typing
- asemic
- bashsomethingout
- borrow
- calligrapher
- carriage return
- fair
- jot
- minute
- overwrite
- re-registration
- readability
- recompose
- reformulate
- registration
- rekey
- scribble
- tab
- unwritten
- writ
- writing
aunitformeasuringtheheightof ahorseup toitsshoulder:
一手之宽(用来测量马匹的高度)One handequalsfourinches(= 10.16centimetres).一手之宽相当于4英寸。
Horse riding
- bridle
- canter
- cinch
- curry
- endurance rider
- endurance riding
- equestrianism
- eventer
- girth
- high-spirited
- horseman
- jib
- jodhpurs
- mounted
- pony trekking
- rein
- saddle-sore
- sidesaddle
- snaffle
- whip
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Miscellaneous units of measurement
at hand
at the hands ofsomeone
a game in hand
get/lay/putyourhands onsomeone
get/lay/putyourhands onsomething
go hand in hand withsomething
hand in glove
hand in hand
hand over fist
hand to hand
someone'shands are tied
haveyourhands full
havesomethingin hand
hold/put your hands up
in hand
the job/matter in hand
keepyourhand in
keep a firm hand onsomething
live (from) hand to mouth
on hand
on the one hand ... on the other hand
out of hand
putyourhand inyourpocket
a safe pair of hands
takesomeone/somethingin hand
win (something) hands down
to put something into someone's hand fromyourown hand:
将…交给,将…递给[+ two objects]Thewaitersmiledpolitelyas he handed me mybill/handed mybilltome.侍者彬彬有礼地微笑着递给我账单。
Pleasereadthismemocarefullyand hand iton(toyourcolleagues).请仔细阅读这一备忘录并(交给你的同事们)传阅。
to give something to someone
- giveGive me that dirty plate.
- offerYour doctor should be able to offer advice.
- provideThis booklet provides useful information about local services.
- supplyThe lake supplies the whole town with water.
- donateFour hundred dollars has been donated to the school book fund.
- When you'vefinishedyourworksheets,clipthem together and hand them to me.
- She handed me abusinesscardwith hernameneatlyembossedon it.
- Thewaiterhanded me themenuwith aflourish.
- She handed me atissuejust as Isneezed.
- Please would you hand me mycoat?
Giving, providing and supplying
- accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- dish
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- passing
- reassignment
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- spare
have (got) to hand it tosomeone
Phrasal verbs
hand off