(alsohand cart,hand-cart)uk/ˈhænd.kɑːt/us/ˈhænd.kɑːrt/asmallvehiclewith twowheelsand twolonghandlesthat ispushedorpulledwithyourhands, used forcarryinggoods,especiallyin the past:
Their handcarts wereloadedwith everything theyowned.
In thosedayseveryone usedhandcartswhen theymovedhouse.
See also
go tohellin a handcart

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- He came round thecornerpushinghis handcart withballoonsflyinghigh.
- In thecentreof Marrakech,mopedsweavearound handcarts andshoutingshopkeepers.
- She took up thehandlesof the hand-cart andstartedtopushit.
Handcarts, trolleys & prams
- baby carriage
- bob
- bobsled
- buggy
- dolly
- food cart
- hand truck
- perambulator
- pram
- pushchair
- sack barrow
- sack truck
- sled
- sledge
- sledging
- sleigh
- tea cart
- trailer
- trolley
- wheelbarrow