hand gel
uk/ˈhænd ˌdʒel/us/ˈhænd ˌdʒel/(alsohand sanitizer,UKusuallyhand sanitiser,uk/ˈhænd ˌsæn.ɪ.taɪ.zər/us/ˈhænd ˌsæn.ə.taɪ.zɚ/)a liquid-likesubstanceused forcleaningyourhandsandkillingbacteriaon them:
杀菌免洗手凝胶Handgelsarefasterandeasierto use thansoap.杀菌免洗手凝胶比肥皂使用起来更快、更容易。
Takeantibacterialhandgelwith you whencamping.野营时带上杀菌洗手凝胶吧。
There is abottleofhandsanitizer at each end of theward.病房两头各有一瓶杀菌免洗手凝胶。

Issarawat Tattong/Moment/GettyImages
- Quick-dryinghandgelsthatkillbacteriawithout need ofsoapandwaterare nowstandardfarein UShospitals.
- Instead ofrunningatap, I use asquirtofhandgel.
- She alwayscarrieshandsanitizer.
- Publichealthofficialshaveurgedpeopletoslowthespreadofflubywashingtheirhandsfrequentlyor using ahandsanitizer.
Cleaning agents
- -cide
- abrasive
- anti-smoke
- biological
- bleach
- cleaner
- cleanser
- dip
- dish soap
- disinfectant
- germicide
- hand sanitizer
- handwash
- nonbiological
- peroxide
- rinse aid
- sanitizer
- shower gel
- soap flakes
- spirit
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