musicspecializeduk/ˌpen.təˈtɒn.ɪk/us/ˌpen.təˈtɑː.nɪk/belongingorrelatingto amusicalscalebasedon fivenotes, such as the one that uses only theblackkeyson apiano:
Theguitaristuses the five-note or pentatonicscaleforsolosandriffs.
The pentatonicmajorhas thefollowingfiveelements: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th of themajorscale.
- The pentatonicmajorscaleis animportantpartof therockguitarist'svocabulary.
- The words wereadaptedby Robert Burns in 1791 andlaterfittedto the pentatonictuneto which they aresungtoday.
Notes of the musical scale
- A, a
- B, b
- C, c
- D, d
- doh
- flat
- half step
- high doh
- la
- lah
- major
- mi
- middle C
- register
- scale
- semitone
- soh
- sol
- sol-fa
- te