(alsore-test)uk/ˌriːˈtest/us[usually passive]
to do amedicalteston aperson,animal, orsubstanceagain:
Shedecidedto have herself retestedforLymedisease, andfoundthat she did not have it.
People who have been inclosecontactwith him will have to be retested after twoweeks.
Thebloodof onedonorwas retested and came backpositive.
totestsomething again inorderto makesureit issafe,workscorrectly, etc., or tofindout if something ispresent:
Thebuildingwascleanedand retested, thenopenedforbusinessonTuesday.
Consultants will re-testsoilsamplestaken from thearea.
to give someone another set ofquestionsinordertomeasuretheirknowledgeorabilityagain:
Secondaryschoolsdo notappeartotrustdataprovidedbyprimaryschools, and retest allchildrenintheirfirstterm.
Allemployeeswill be re-tested inbasicmathsandEnglishevery threeyears.
- All thehorsesin thequarantinedbarnwill be retested before thequarantinecan belifted.
- Atotalof 176 women had to berecalledand re-tested after themistakewasidentified.
- We have re-tested thesuncreamand canconfirmtheoriginaltestresultoffactor15.
Testing, checking and experimenting
- artefact
- assay
- calibrate
- calibration
- check out
- crucible
- experimenter
- factorial
- feeler
- inoculate
- inoculation
- inspect
- putsomethingto the testidiom
- recheck
- reinspect
- reinspection
- resample
- road test
- screening
- welfare check
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Questioning people & asking questions in general
(alsore-test)uk/ˈriː.test/usanoccasionon which someone is givenquestionsorpracticalactivitiesagain inorderto give them a secondchanceto show what theyknowor what they can do:
Students whoscored"unsatisfactory" on thetesthad theoptionof going tosummerschooland taking a retest.
A lot of thesestudentsgetpromotedevenif they haven'tpassedthe retest.
anoccasionon which someone is given amedicalexaminationofpartoftheirbodyagain inordertocheckwhether theresultof the firsttestwascorrect:
If you hadyourlastbloodpressurecheckshortlyafteryourthirdcupofmorningcoffee, get a retest.
A retest of theblooddonorcame backnegative.
anoccasionon which something ischeckedagain tofindout if it issafe,workingcorrectly, oreffective:
Thecompanyordereda retest of themetalalloyused to make thenecklaces, and isawaitingresults.
In thepublishedretest, there was awirewithdamagedinsulationand themanufacturerwasaskedtocheckit out.
- Those whofailedthetestwereinvitedtoattendafreesummerschooland take a retest.
- It might makesensetooffera retest to anyone whose firsttestwasnegative, just incaseit's afalseresult.
- A retest has beendemandedbycompanychiefs, after thecompactmodelof thecarfaredbadlyin acrashtest.
Exams, tests & exercises
- achievement test
- Advanced Placement
- AP
- aptitude test
- assessment
- can dophrase
- external examination
- fail
- moderate
- oral
- pop quiz
- practical
- probation
- probationary
- proctor
- psychometric
- quiz
- re-mark
- rubric
- sit
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Medical examination
Testing, checking and experimenting