uk/ˈseɡ.mənt/us/ˈseɡ.mənt/one of thesmallergroupsoramountsthat alargergrouporamountcan bedividedinto:
(群体或事物的)部分People over theageof 85 make up the fastest-growing segmentofthepopulation.85岁以上者成为人口中增长最快的部分。
Each of theseproductsisaimedat aspecificmarketsegment.每一种产品针对的都是市场的不同部分。
partof acirclethat isdividedfrom therestby aline, orpartof aspherethat isdividedfrom therestby twoplanes
弓形,圆缺,球缺one of thesmallpartsthat afruitsuch as anorangeisnaturallydividedinto:
(水果)瓣Thesaladwasdecoratedwith segments oforange.色拉上点缀了橘子瓣。

Chee Siong Teh/EyeEm/GettyImages
ashortpieceoffilmthatformspartof atelevisionorradioprogramme, or that isbroadcaston theinternet:
(电视、广播或互联网节目的)节,段CNNlastweekbroadcasta segment onhomicidesin thecity.CNN上周播出了有关这座城市凶杀状况节目的一段。
Words meaning parts of things
- back end
- bifurcation
- biomarker
- cartridge
- cell
- chunk
- modularity
- modularized
- moiety
- multi-branched
- multi-component
- panel
- piece
- sub
- subscale
- subscience
- subsection
- subsegment
- tranche
- unit
formaluk/seɡˈment/us/ˈseɡ.ment/todividesomething into differentparts:
分离;分割Themarketis segmented bypriceintothreegeneralcategories.根据价格将市场大体分为三类。
Separating and dividing
- apheresis
- atomize
- bifurcate
- bifurcation
- bisect
- clove
- dissociate
- dissociateyourselffromsomething
- dissociation
- disunite
- disunity
- fracture
- hive
- parcel
- polarize
- polarized
- polarizer
- prophase
- pull
- unravel