uk/hæŋ/us/hæŋ/hangverb(FIX AT TOP)
B1[IorT,+ adv/prep]hung|hung
tofastenorsupportsomething at thetopleavingthe otherpartsfreetomove, or to beheldin this way:
Partydecorationshung(down) fromtheceiling.聚会装饰物从天花板上垂下来。
Hangyourcoatandhat(up)on therackover there.把你的大衣和帽子挂在那边的架子上。
Many of hisfinestpictureshang/are hung(= areattachedto thewallso that they can beseen)in theNationalGallery.他有许多上乘画作在国家美术馆中展出。
If you hangwallpaper, youfixit to thewall.
to hang up abirdoranimalafterkillingit inorderto make themeatrelaxand have astrongertaste, or to be hung up in this way:
Hangingmeatis reallyimportantto thequalityof themeat, and is the firststageof goodbutchery.
Let thepheasanthang for a fewdaysfor theflavourtoimprovebefore youcookit.
- If I were you, I'd hang thatsweateron thelineandletitdrip-dry.
- We could hang thispictureon thewallnext to thedoor.
- Astringofonionshung from abeamin thekitchen.
- Theshirtshanging on thelinebillowedin thebreeze.
- Stand thepaintingsagainst thewallwhile wedecidewhere to hang them.
Hanging and suspending
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- dangle
- dangly
- drape
- drip
- droop
- droopy
- fall
- flow
- hung
- pendant
- pendent
- pendulous
- rehang
- saggy
- sling
- string
- stringsomeoneup
- suspend
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Building: interior decoration
Curtains & wallpaper
Preparing animals & fish for cooking
tokillsomeone,especiallyaspunishmentfor aseriouscrime, bydroppingthem with aropetiedaroundtheirneck, or todiein this way:
绞死,施以绞刑He wasfoundguiltyand hangedlaterthatyear.他被判有罪,并在那年的晚些时候被施以绞刑。
With so littleevidencetoproveherguilt, fewpeoplethoughtshe should hang.没有什么确凿的证据证明她有罪,所以很少有人认为她应该被绞死。
The womantriedto hang herselfwith asheet.那个女人试图用一条床单上吊。
See also
- Theleadersof therebellionwere hanged astraitors.
- Ruth Ellis has thedubiousdistinctionof being the last woman to be hanged inBritain.
- She said he should be hanged for what he has done, and that he does notdeservetolive.
- Traitors would bepubliclyhung,drawnandquarteredin Tudortimes.
- Thegibbetstillstandstoday, at thecrossroadswherecommoncriminalswere hanged.
Death penalties
- behead
- boots on the groundidiom
- burn
- capital punishment
- chair
- condemn
- condemnsomeoneto (do)something
- crucify
- death sentence
- death warrant
- decapitate
- decapitation
- firing squad
- gas chamber
- gibbet
- guillotine
- hanging
- hangman
- stake
- the electric chair
tostayin theair:
停留,悬浮(在空气中)Thefalconseemedto hangin theairfor amomentbeforedivingontoitsprey.猎鹰似乎在空中停了一下才扑向猎物。
Smoke from thehouseshungabovethevillage.炊烟袅袅,弥漫在村庄上空。
literaryThesoundof thebellshung in themidnightair.午夜的钟声回荡在夜空中。
Staying and remaining
- closeted
- halt
- hold
- holdsomethingover
- hung
- keep (herself) toherselfidiom
- outstay
- overstay
- overwinter
- remain
- remaining
- rest
- spot
- stand
- stick around
- stop
- stop in
- tarry
- tenured
- untenured
hangverb(BEND DOWN)
Heknewhe'd done somethingwrongand hung hisheadinshame.他知道自己做错了事,于是羞愧地低下了头。
Hanging and suspending
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- dangle
- dangly
- drape
- drip
- droop
- droopy
- fall
- flow
- hung
- pendant
- pendent
- pendulous
- rehang
- saggy
- sling
- string
- stringsomeoneup
- suspend
hangverb(SPEND TIME)
tospendtimerelaxingwith apersonor in aplace:
Ashleyspentmost of theeveninghangingwithherfriend.
Sometimes we just hang in thepark.
- Weplaymusictogether, hang withgirls,playbasketball.
- Myboyfrienddoesn't like me always hanging with myfriends.
- Do youwantto come over and hang at myplace?
hangverb(STOP WORKING)
(of acomputerprogramorsystem) tostopworkingorappearingon ascreen:
In themiddleof adownload, it just hangs.
Theupdatepreventsthesystemfrom hanging when itreceivesacorruptdatafragment.
go hang (yourself)
hang by a thread
be hanging
hang in there
hangsomeoneout to dry
hang the cost/expense
hang tough
havesomeone/somethinghanging roundyourneck
hung, drawn, and quartered
I'll be hanged if...
I'll be hanged if I know
you might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
Phrasal verbs
hang around
hang around(somewhere)
hang around withsomeone
hang back
hang on
hang on/uponsomething
hang ontosomething
hang out
hang oversomething
hang round (somewhere)
hang round withsomeone
hang together
hang up
uk/hæŋ/us/hæŋ/get the hang ofsomethingC2informal
tolearnhow to do something,especiallyif it is notobviousorsimple:
学会做(尤指不那么简单明了的事)"I've never used thisprogrambefore." "Don'tworry- you'llsoonget the hang ofit."“我以前从未使用过这个系统。”“别担心──你很快就会用的。”
to learn something
- learnI'm learning how to play the piano.
- studyI'm studying Italian right now.
- masterShe lived in Italy for several years but never quite mastered the language.
- pick upWhen you live in a country, you soon pick up the language.
- familiarize yourself withHe prepared for the interview by familiarizing himself with the company's work.
- get the hang of something"I've never used this software before." "Don't worry, you'll soon get the hang of it."
the hang
the way something made ofclothlookswhen it is hanging:
(布料制成的东西的)悬挂状Thatcoatfitsyou so well - the hang isperfect.你穿这件外衣太合适了——非常有型。
Adapting and attuning to something
- accustomyourselftosomething
- accustomed
- adaptability
- adaptable
- adapted
- bearing
- get into the swing of it/thingsidiom
- get intoyourstrideidiom
- habituate
- habituated
- habituation
- plug
- second nature
- settle
- settle down
- settle in
- settled
- stride
- supple
- swing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Style & appearance of clothes