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himpronoun(MALE)A1used, usually as theobjectof averborpreposition, to refer to a man,boy, ormaleanimalthat has just beenmentionedor is just about to bementioned: 他(指男性);它(指雄性动物) If youseeKevin give him mylove.如果你见到凯文,替我向他问好。 What's Terry up to - I haven'tseenhim forages.特里在捣什么鬼?我好久都没见过他了。 Why don't you give him hispresent?你为什么不把他的礼物给他呢? We've just got a newcat, but we haven'tnamedhimyet.我们有了只刚生下来的小公猫,但还没有给它起名字。 - She has onesonand sheadoreshim.
- He'dcompletelychanged- I didn'trecognizehim.
- Hispassportwasconfiscatedby thepolicetopreventhim fromleavingthecountry.
- If Icriticizehim, he getsaggressiveandstartsshouting.
- Tedaskedme if I couldhelphimfixhiscar.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: personal pronouns - 'em
- he
- her
- I, i
- it
- number one
- personally
- S, s
- s/he
- thee
- them
- themself
- they
- thou
- us
- y'all
- you
- you-all
- yours trulyidiom
- yous
See more results » himpronoun(ANY GENDER)old-fashionedused after averborprepositionto refer to apersonoranimalthat has just beenmentioned, or is just about to bementioned, and whosegenderis notknownor notconsideredto beimportantin thatsituation: Ahumanbeing'sabilitytotalkmakes himunlikeany otheranimal.人可以说话,这使他不同于其他任何动物。 If anyone comes toseeme,askhim towait.如果有人来找我,就让他等一下。 Note:- Many people consider this use offensive and prefer to usethem. This can sometimes mean changing other words in the sentence:Humanbeings'abilitytotalkmakes themunlikeany otheranimal.Itcan be used for animals.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: personal pronouns - 'em
- he
- her
- I, i
- it
- number one
- personally
- S, s
- s/he
- thee
- them
- themself
- they
- thou
- us
- y'all
- you
- you-all
- yours trulyidiom
- yous
See more results » GrammarPronouns: personal (I, me,you,him,it,they, etc.) We use personal pronouns in place of noun phrases. We often use them to refer back to people and things that we have already identified (underlined):… Subject and object pronouns Personal subject pronouns act as the subject of a clause. We use them before a verb to show who is doing the verb. We do not usually leave out the pronoun:… I,me We use I and me to refer to the speaker or writer. I is the subject form and me is the object form:… You We use you to refer to the listener or reader. It is both the subject and the object form. You can refer to one person or more than one person. It is usually clear from the context whether you is singular or plural:… He,him;she,her He, him, she and her are singular third person pronouns. He and him are the masculine forms. She and her are the feminine forms:… It We use it to refer to things:… We,us We use we and us to refer to different groups of people, but always including the speaker. We and us can refer to the speaker + the listener, or the speaker + other people but not the listener, or people in general including the speaker:… They,them We use they and them to refer to specific groups of people, things and animals:… He,she,him,her,his,hers In writing, we can use (s)he, he/she, him/her or his/her to refer to both sexes at the same time. When speaking formally, we say he or she and his or her:… (Definition ofhimfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)himpronoun(MALE)A1used, usually as theobjectof averborpreposition, to refer to a man,boy, ormaleanimalthat has just beenmentionedor is just about to bementioned 他(指男性);它(指雄性动物)If youseeKevin give him mylove.如果你见到凯文,替我向他问好。 What's Terry up to - I haven'tseenhim forages.特里在捣什么鬼?我好久都没见过他了。 Why don't you give him hispresent?你为什么不把他的礼物给他呢? We've just got a newcat, but we haven'tnamedhimyet.我们有了只刚生下来的小公猫,但还没有给它起名字。 - She has onesonand sheadoreshim.
- He'dcompletelychanged- I didn'trecognizehim.
- Hispassportwasconfiscatedby thepolicetopreventhim fromleavingthecountry.
- If Icriticizehim, he getsaggressiveandstartsshouting.
- Tedaskedme if I couldhelphimfixhiscar.
himpronoun(EITHER GENDER)used after averborprepositionto refer to apersonoranimalthat has just beenmentioned, or is just about to bementioned, and whosesexis notknownor notconsideredto beimportant. Manypeopleconsiderthis use to beoffensiveandpreferto usehim or herortheminstead, oritfor ananimal. 他(尤用于正式场合,指代刚提过或就要提到的人或动物,其性别不详或并不重要)Ahumanbeing'sabilitytotalkmakes himunlikeany otheranimal.人可以说话,这使他不同于其他任何动物。 If anyone comes toseeme,askhim towait.如果有人来找我,就让他等一下。 Note:- Many people prefer to usethem, and this can sometimes mean changing other words in the sentence:Humanbeings'abilitytotalkmakes themunlikeany otheranimal.Itcan be used for animals.
GrammarPronouns: personal (I, me,you,him,it,they, etc.) We use personal pronouns in place of noun phrases. We often use them to refer back to people and things that we have already identified (underlined):… Subject and object pronouns Personal subject pronouns act as the subject of a clause. We use them before a verb to show who is doing the verb. We do not usually leave out the pronoun:… I,me We use I and me to refer to the speaker or writer. I is the subject form and me is the object form:… You We use you to refer to the listener or reader. It is both the subject and the object form. You can refer to one person or more than one person. It is usually clear from the context whether you is singular or plural:… He,him;she,her He, him, she and her are singular third person pronouns. He and him are the masculine forms. She and her are the feminine forms:… It We use it to refer to things:… We,us We use we and us to refer to different groups of people, but always including the speaker. We and us can refer to the speaker + the listener, or the speaker + other people but not the listener, or people in general including the speaker:… They,them We use they and them to refer to specific groups of people, things and animals:… He,she,him,her,his,hers In writing, we can use (s)he, he/she, him/her or his/her to refer to both sexes at the same time. When speaking formally, we say he or she and his or her:… themalebeingspokenabout, who has already beenmentioned; theobjectiveformof he: Why don’t you give him hispresent? We’ve just got a newcat, but we haven’tthoughtof anamefor himyet. Him is also used to refer to apersonwhosesexis notknown: If anyonecausesaproblem, getridof him. Note:- Some people find this use of him to be offensive.
(Definition ofhimfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/him## |