uk/hɪndʒ/us/hɪndʒ/apieceofmetalthatfastenstheedgeof adoor,window,lid, etc. to somethingelseandallowsit toopenorclose:
合页,铰链We had to take thefrontdooroffitshinges to getournewsofainto thehouse.我们不得不把前门从合页上卸下来才把新沙发搬进了屋子里。

aozora1/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Parts of buildings: doors & parts of doors
- architrave
- back door
- bell push
- bi-fold
- cat flap
- doorstop
- doorway
- draught excluder
- entryway
- fire door
- knob
- knocker
- letterbox
- purging
- revolving door
- screen door
- shoji
- stage door
- up-and-over
- weatherboarding