uk/hɪp/us/hɪp/hipnoun[C](BODY PART)
theareabelow thewaistand above thelegsat eithersideof thebody, or thejointthatconnectsthelegto theupperpartof thebody:
臀部,髋部Thisexerciseisdesignedtotrimyourhips andstomach.这套运动是为了使你的臀部和腹部变得苗条而设计的。
Theskirtwas abittightacrossthe hips.这条裙子臀部有点紧。

Photographer, Basak Gurbuz Derman/Moment/GettyImages
- The hipjointis aball-and-socketjoint.
- She has arheumatichip.
- Her hip has beentroublesomeforquitea while, and she'llprobablyneedsurgeryon it.
- His hip had to be x-rayed toseeif it wasformingproperly.
- With awiggleof her hips, shepulledup thetrousers.
The human torso
- -bellied
- -chested
- abs
- axilla
- bread basket
- breast
- chest
- coeliac
- diaphragm
- flank
- groin
- pot
- shoulder
- spare tyre
- thoracic
- thorax
- umbilicus
- visceral muscle
- waisted
- waistline
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bone structures
arose hip
(同 rose hip)Types of fruit
- ackee
- alligator pear
- amla
- angelica
- açaí
- cooker
- cooking apple
- copra
- crab apple
- cranberry
- kumquat
- lingonberry
- litchi
- loganberry
- longan
- pomelo
- prickly pear
- prune
- pumpkin
- quince
时髦的,时尚的Thebarsin theoldpartof thetownarefrequentedby hipyoungstudents.镇上老城区的酒吧是时髦的年轻学生常光顾的地方。
- fashionableShe's so fashionable.
- in fashionTighter trousers for men are back in fashion.
- inShort jackets are in this season.
- coolHe was wearing a pair of cool sunglasses.
- hipWe went to the hip new club in town.
- trendyHe likes trendy clothes and modern furniture.
Modern & fashionable
- be (all) the rageidiom
- be having a momentidiom
- be the last word insomethingidiom
- futuristic
- get with the programmeidiom
- go ahead
- happening
- high-tech
- hipster
- smartness
- snappily
- snappy
- snazzily
- sophisticated
- the avant-garde
- up to date
- up-to-the-minuteidiom
- way-out
- with it
- à la mode
uk/hɪp/us/hɪp/hip, hip, hooray/hurray!
anexpressionthat is called out, often by agroupofpeopleat the sametime, toexpressapprovalof someone:
(欢呼)希普,希普,乌拉!嗨,嗨,万岁!Threecheersfor thebrideandgroom! Hip, hip,hooray!为新娘新郎欢呼三声!希普,希普,乌拉!
Linguistics: interjections
- aiyo
- alas and alackphrase
- attaboy
- attagirl
- auf Wiedersehen
- aw shucks
- figure
- goodo
- mazel tov
- more
- more power toyourelbow!idiom
- need
- need I say more?idiom
- no siridiom
- period
- small wonderidiom
- sweet
- the rest is historyidiom
- you seeidiom
- yum yum