希波克拉底(古希腊医师)The Hippocraticoathisbasedon theidealsof Hippocrates, aGreekphysician.希波克拉底誓言是基于古希腊医师希波克拉底的理想。
- In 360 BC, Hippocrates , thefatherofmedicine,wroteaboutscurvy.
- From two to three thousandyearsago,fatalmalariawasdescribedin Homer's Iliad, and then in the writings of Plato, Aristotle and Hippocrates.
- InancientGreece, Hippocratesrecordedtuberculosisas the mostwidespreaddiseaseandalmostalwaysfatal.
- Hippocrates calledoliveoilthe "greattherapeutic".
Famous people
- Archimedes
- Aristotle
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Ancient history: before 500 AD