apersonwhosejobis tooperatethedevicethatkillscriminalsbyhangingthem from aropebytheirnecks
执行绞刑者Death penalties
- behead
- boots on the groundidiom
- burn
- capital punishment
- chair
- condemn
- condemnsomeoneto (do)something
- crucify
- death sentence
- death warrant
- decapitate
- decapitation
- firing squad
- gas chamber
- gibbet
- guillotine
- hang
- hanging
- stake
- the electric chair
a wordgamein which oneplayerhas toguessa word that the otherplayerhasthoughtof, byguessingthelettersin it. Everytimetheyguessawrongletter,partof apictureof apersonbeinghangedisdrawn, and if thepictureiscompletedthepersonguessinghaslost.
wwing/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Children's games
- dress-up box
- dressing-up box
- follow-my-leader
- French cricket
- go fish
- Hacky Sack
- jack
- leapfrog
- life
- midget
- musical chairs
- painting by numbersidiom
- peekaboo
- piggy in the middle
- piggyback
- Pokémon
- spitball
- tag
- trick-or-treating
- warm
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