hansom cab
uk/ˈhæn.səm ˌkæb/us/ˈhæn.səm ˌkæb/a two-wheeledvehiclepulledby ahorse, used like ataxiin the past:
Shewriggledfurtherinto thecornerof the hansomcab, andtuckedhercoataround her.
In 1885 you couldhaila hansomcaband get to anyplacein London.

- A hansomcabdrewup at the end of thestreet.
- Horse-drawn hansomcabswere theforerunnerof themotorisedtaxithoughtheiroperationoverlappedfor manyyears.
- Herpaternalgreat-grandfather had a hansomcabandstablesbusiness.
Carriages & carts
- brougham
- buggy
- carriage
- carryall
- chaise
- chuckwagon
- coupe
- covered wagon
- dray
- gig
- popemobile
- rickshaw
- sedan chair
- stagecoach
- surrey
- trap
- trishaw
- tuktuk
- wagon
- wain