uk/ˈhæp.ən/us/ˈhæp.ən/happenverb[I](HAVE EXISTENCE)
(of asituationor anevent) to haveexistenceor come intoexistence:
发生No oneknowsexactlywhat happened but severalpeoplehave beenhurt.没人确切了解发生了什么事,只知道有数人受伤。
Anything could happen in the nexthalfhour.接下来的半小时内什么事都可能会发生。
Afunnything happened in theofficetoday.今天,办公室里发生了一件有趣的事。
I don'twanttothinkabout what might have happened if he'd beendrivinganyfaster.我不愿意去想假如他再开快些会怎么样。
happen tosomeone
If something happens to someone or something, it has aneffecton him, her, or it:
发生在(某人)身上;作用于…I don'tknowwhat I'd do if anything happened to him(= if he washurt,becameill, ordied).我不知道一旦他出了事我该怎么办。
What happened toyourjacket? There's abigripin thesleeve.你的夹克怎么了?袖子上撕了一条大口子。
What's happened to mypen?(= Where is it?)I put it down there a fewmomentsago.我的钢笔哪儿去了?我刚刚把它放在那儿。
- It isfrighteningtothinkwhat might happen if shelefthim.
- I cannotpredictwhat will happen nextyear.
- I couldtellfrom herexpressionthat somethingserioushad happened.
- Thepoliceshowedhim aphotototrytojoghismemoryabout what had happened on thenightof therobbery.
- "Do youremembermuch about theaccident?" "No, it all happened sosuddenly."
Occurring and happening
- afoot
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at workidiom
- become
- eventuate
- fall
- fall into placeidiom
- follow on
- go hand in hand withsomethingidiom
- go on
- pass
- result
- roll
- roll around
- shake out
- succeed
- supervene
- sync
- turn
to do or be bychance:
偶然,碰巧[+ to infinitive]They happenedtolook(=lookedbychance)in therightplacealmostimmediately.他们碰巧几乎一下就找对了地方。
[+ (that)]Fortunatelyithappened(that)there was no one in thehouseat thetimeof theexplosion.幸运的是,爆炸发生时,屋子里没有人。
[+ that]Itjust sohappensthatI have herphonenumberrighthere.非常凑巧,我正好有她的电话号码。
She happenstolikecleaning(= shelikescleaning,althoughthat issurprising).她恰恰就喜欢打扫卫生。
I happentothinkhe'sright(= I dothinkso,althoughyou do not).我真的认为他是对的。
As ithappened(=althoughit was notplanned), I had a fewminutestospare.我碰巧有几分钟空闲。
- OnSundaysI justwearanyoldthing that I happen tofindlyingaround.
- Did she happen tomentionwhether she would be coming?
- I just happened to bewalkingpast when he came out of theshop.
- Jack happens to be acousinof mine, so I'llintroduceyou to him.
- Do you happen toknowwhattimethe nextbusisdue?
Chance and randomness
- accident
- aleatory
- arbitrarily
- arbitrariness
- arbitrary
- even-money
- fluke
- fluky
- fortuitous
- fortuitously
- luck
- luck intosomething
- more by accident than designidiom
- more by luck than judgmentidiom
- non-purposive
- randomized
- randomly
- randomness
- serendipitous
- stumble intosomething
Happen means ‘occur’ and most commonly ‘occur by chance’:…Phrasal verbs
happen along/by(somewhere)
happen on/uponsomething/someone
UKNorthern Englishuk/ˈhæp.ən/us/ˈhæp.ən/perhaps:
有可能,据估计Happen it'llrainlateron.过一会儿可能会下雨。
Possible and probable
- always
- anything's possibleidiom
- arguably
- as never beforeidiom
- auspiciously
- bea safe betidiom
- bet
- fair
- lean
- lean towards sth
- liable
- likelihood
- likely
- manage
- maybe
- probably
- prospective
- prospectively
- realm
- tip