disapprovinguk/həˈræŋ/us/həˈræŋ/tospeakto someone or agroupofpeople, often for alongtime, in aforcefuland sometimesangryway,especiallytopersuadethem:
长篇大论地演说;斥责Adrunkin thestationwas haranguing passers-by.一名醉汉在车站大声训斥路人。
Lecturing & addressing
- ad lib
- co-present
- discourse
- eunoia
- extemporize
- floor
- hold
- hold forth
- lead
- lead off
- lightning talk
- monologue
- PechaKucha
- pontificate
- presentation
- sermon
- sermonize
- speak
- speechify
- valediction
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Talking angrily
uk/həˈræŋ/us/həˈræŋ/alongandangryspeechorpieceof writing in which youcriticizesomeone or something ortrytopersuadesomeone that you areright:
Theteamwas given theusualhalf-timeharangue by themanager.
- Helaunchedintoyetanother haranguedefendinghiswarpolicy.
- Long beforeits90minuteshaveconcludedyou may bewishingfor acommercialbreak, or at least avisitfrom acelebrityguest, tointerruptthestreamofangryharangues.
- Thenovelis more than a harangue about thedegradationofairtravel.
- Therestof theprefaceis a harangue onalphabetreform.
- It was one of thosetedious,interminableharangues about the wrong-doings ofEngland.
Talking angrily
- bite
- bitesomeone'shead offidiom
- bite/snapsomeone'shead offidiom
- bluster
- dress
- dress down
- edge
- givesomeonea piece of your mindidiom
- hit
- hue
- hue and cryidiom
- huff
- invective
- jump
- piece
- rant
- rave
- spit
- spit blood/venomidiom
- tongue-lashing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Lecturing & addressing