uk/ˈhɑː.dən.ɪŋ/us/ˈhɑːr.dən.ɪŋ/hardeningnoun[U or S](BECOMING HARD)
theactofbecomingor making something hard:
硬化Excesscalciumcanacceleratehardening of thearteries.过量的钙会加速动脉硬化。
Theskindisorderischaracterizedby a hardening ofskinaround thehairfollicles.皮肤病的特征是毛囊周围的皮肤变硬。
- TheX-rayshowedanirregularhardening of thebone.
- Subcutaneoustissueshowedexpansionand hardening.
- Theycutcakeflourinto thecookiedoughfor a moretendercrumb,preventingtoo much hardening uponcooling.
Hard and firm
- (as) stiff/straight as a ramrodidiom
- adamantine
- cast iron
- congealed
- crisp
- crisply
- erect
- firmness
- fossilized
- harden
- hardness
- horny
- noncrushable
- rigidity
- rock-hard
- rock-solid
- stiff
- stiffly
- stiffness
- tense
hardeningnoun[U or S](BECOMING SEVERE)
theactofbecomingmoresevere,determined, orunpleasant:
强硬;加强There has been a hardening ofgovernmentpolicysince theinvasion.自入侵以来,政府政策日趋强硬。
Hisremarksrepresenteda hardening of hispositionfrom his moremoderateinitialresponse.他的言论表明他的立场比最初较为温和的回应有所加强。
- After 1974 there was a hardening ofattitudesin theWestagainst theintentionsof the USSR.
- Among the anti-whalingnations, there was anoticeablehardening ofstance.
- Aneffortlesshardening had takenplacein histone.
Becoming and making stronger
- aggrandize
- boil up
- bolster
- cement
- character-building
- deepen
- fortify
- harden
- invigoration
- jell
- power(something)up
- reinforcement
- restrengthen
- sharpen
- solidification
- solidify
- soup
- soupsomethingup
- stiffen
- wired