thequalityof beingdifficulttobend,cut, orbreak:
Mostinternationalgolfplayersown 40 or 50 differentballsofvaryinghardness,weight, and bounciness.大多数国际高尔夫球手拥有40或50个不同硬度、重量和弹性的球。
Hard and firm
- (as) stiff/straight as a ramrodidiom
- adamantine
- cast iron
- congealed
- crisp
- crisply
- erect
- firmness
- fossilized
- harden
- hardening
- horny
- noncrushable
- rigidity
- rock-hard
- rock-solid
- stiff
- stiffly
- stiffness
- tense
thequalityofneedingor using a lot ofphysicalormentaleffort:
They werewornout by the hardness of theworkand theheatof thesun.
Officers areexpertinrootingoutrecruitswho do not have thephysicalormentalhardness tosurvivebattleconditions.
thequalityof beingdifficulttounderstand, do,experience, ordealwith:
The hardness of hislifestemmedfrom thechronicpovertyinto which he wasborn.
There waswarmthandreposeenough there to set against the hardness of the day'sdemands.
Difficult situations and unpleasant experiences
- a hard/tough row to hoeidiom
- a rough rideidiom
- abyss
- adversity
- atyourworstidiom
- Augean
- bad hair day
- emergence
- epidemic
- genie
- half nelson
- have a bumpy rideidiom
- havesomeoneover a barrelidiom
- rabbit hole
- reversal
- rigour
- rollercoaster
- the Augean Stablesidiom
- the hard wayidiom
- vortex
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Complicated and difficult to do
thefactof beingunpleasantor not at allgentle:
冷酷;无情For amomentshethoughtshesawahintofhumoursofteningthe hardness of hiseyes.有那么一瞬间,她以为她看到一丝幽默软化了他冰冷的眼睛。
He wasangeredattheirhardness ofheart.他对他们的冷酷无情感到愤怒。
- austere
- austerely
- authoritarian
- be heavy onsomeoneidiom
- brutally
- flaming
- harsh
- iron
- nonsense
- not stand any nonsenseidiom
- pitiless
- rigorously
- rigour
- sharp
- sharpness
- stern
- sternly
- sternness
- stiffly
- strict
hardnessnoun[U](OF WATER)
(ofwater) thefactofcontaininga highlevelofmineralsthatpreventsoapfrom makingbubbles:
(水质)硬Thisplantis notfussyaboutwaterhardness, but doesbestinsoftwater.这种植物对水的硬度不太在意,但是在较软的水里长得最好。
Calcium andmagnesiumare the two mostcommonmineralsresponsiblefor the hardness ofwater.钙和镁是造成水质硬的两种最常见的矿物质。