uk/hɪər/us/hɪr/heard|heardhearverb(RECEIVE SOUND)
toreceiveorbecomeconsciousof asoundusingyourears:
听见,听到She heard anoiseoutside.她听到外面一阵嘈杂。
Mygrandfatheris gettingoldand can't hear very well.我祖父上了年纪,耳朵听不太清楚。
You'll have tospeakup, I can't hear you.你得说大声点,我听不见你。
[+ obj + -ing verb]I heard/I could hear someonecallingmyname.我听见有人喊我的名字。
[+ obj + infinitive without to]At eight o'clockJaneheard him go out.8点钟的时候,简听见他出去了。
- Can you hear thatstrangeclickingnoise?
- I could hear someonecryingin the nextroom.
- Shespokesoquietlythat I couldbarelyhear her.
- Thehumanearcannot hear very high-frequencysounds.
- We heard someshootingin thenight.
Using the ears
- attend
- aural
- aurally
- be all earsidiom
- catch
- cloth ears
- conductive
- ears are flappingidiom
- earshot
- eavesdropper
- grommet
- hark
- hark atsomeone!idiom
- hearing
- lend an earidiom
- listen
- mishear
- prick
- prick(something)up
- sensorineural
hearverb(BE TOLD)
to be toldinformationabout something:
听说,得知Have you heard thenews?你听说那条新闻了吗?
If you haven't heard byFriday,assumeI'm not coming.如果你在星期五之前还没听到消息,那就当我不来了。
[+ question word]Have you heardwhat'shappened?你听说发生的事了吗?
[+ (that)]I hear(that)you'releaving.我听说你要离开。
- I don'twantto hear about it - it's noconcernof mine!
- He wassadto hear that two of histrustedworkerswereleaving.
- I wasalarmedto hear that she was coming.
- I wasfascinatedto hear about histravelsin Bhutan.
- I'd beinterestedto hear more aboutyourwork.
Finding and discovering
- a fishing expeditionidiom
- ascertain
- break (fresh/new) groundidiom
- breakthrough
- bringsomethingto lightidiom
- catchsomeonered-handedidiom
- finding
- flushsomeone/somethingout
- fossick
- found
- pinpoint
- pull
- putsomeoneontosomething
- putyourfinger onsomethingidiom
- rake
- rakesomethingout
- red-handed
- sniff
- suss
- uncover
tolistento someone or something withgreatattentionorofficiallyincourt:
听,倾听;开审I heard a reallyinterestingprogrammeon theradiothismorning.今天上午我在广播中听到一个非常有趣的节目。
[+ infinitive without to]I heard theorchestraplayat Carnegie Hall lastsummer.去年夏天我在卡内基音乐厅聆听了这个交响乐团的演奏。
Anaudiencegatheredto hear himspeak.一群听众聚集起来听他讲话。
formalLord, hearourprayers.主啊,听我们的祈祷。
Thecasewill be heard(=officiallylistenedto)by the HighCourt.高等法院将审理这个案子。
to listen to someone or something
- listenAre you listening to me? I'm talking to you.
- hearAn audience gathered to hear him speak.
- eavesdropHe was eavesdropping on our conversation.
- listen in onI wish my brother would stop listening in on my phone calls.
- hear someone outAt least hear me out before you make up your mind.
- Acrowdhadgatheredto hear herspeak.
- Will yourewindthetapeso we can hear it again?
- I heard a goodprogrammeon theradiolastnight.
- Of all thesongsI've heardtonight, that's thebestyet.
- Thepriestheard hisconfession.
Using the ears
- attend
- aural
- aurally
- be all earsidiom
- catch
- cloth ears
- conductive
- ears are flappingidiom
- earshot
- eavesdropper
- grommet
- hark
- hark atsomeone!idiom
- hearing
- lend an earidiom
- listen
- mishear
- prick
- prick(something)up
- sensorineural
Hear,see, etc. + object + infinitive or -ing
We can use either the infinitive without to or the -ing form after the object of verbs such as hear, see, notice, watch. The infinitive without to often emphasises the whole action or event which someone hears or sees. The -ing form usually emphasises an action or event which is in progress or not yet completed.…Hear that,see that
We use hear that and see that to introduce new pieces of information. When we do this, the verbs hear and see mean ‘understand’ or ‘notice’. We normally use hear when we are thinking of something someone told us, and see when we are thinking about something we read about or saw. We often use the verbs in the present simple and sometimes leave out that:…Hearorlisten (to)?
‘Hearing’ is an event; it is something which happens to us as a natural process. ‘Listening’ is an action; it is something we do consciously.…Idioms
can't hearyourselfthink
do you hear?
hear tell (of)
hear wedding bells
hear, hear!
I must be hearing things
not hear the end/last ofsomething
will never hear the end of it
won't hear a word (said) againstsomeone/something
you could have heard a pin drop
Phrasal verbs
hear fromsomeone
have heard ofsomeone/something
not hear ofsomething