心脏He's got aweak/badheart(= his heart is nothealthy).他的心脏不太好。
Isabel's heart wasbeatingfastwithfright.伊莎贝尔因为恐惧而心跳加快。
- Theteacherdrewadiagramshowinghow thebloodflowsthrough the heart.
- Smallamountsofalcoholareheldto be good for the heart.
- Thebulletmissedhis heart by acoupleofcentimetres.
- I couldfeelmy heartpoundingas I went onstagetocollecttheprize.
The circulatory system & blood
- accessory pathway
- antegrade
- anterograde
- anti-platelet
- blood donor
- blood vessel
- capillary
- erectile
- immunoglobulin
- intravascular
- intravenously
- jugular
- jugular vein
- Rh factor
- vasodilation
- veined
- vena
- venosus
used to refer to a person'scharacter, or theplacewithin apersonwherefeelingsoremotionsareconsideredto come from:
性情;内心;心肠She has a good heart(= she is akindperson).她心地善良。
Iloveyou, and Imeanitfrom thebottomofmy heart(= verysincerely).我爱你,我的爱是发自肺腑的。
Iloveyouwith allmy heart(= very much).我深爱着你。
He said he'd nevermarrybut he had achangeofheart(= hisfeelingschanged)when hemether.他说永远都不结婚,可是碰到她后他改变了主意。
Homelessness is asubjectveryclose/deartoher heart(= is veryimportantto her and she hasstrongfeelingsabout it).她非常关心无家可归者的问题。
Hebrokeher heart(= made her verysad)when helefther for another woman.他为了另一个女人离开了她,这让她的心都碎了。
Itbreaksmy heart(= makes mefeelverysad)toseehim sounhappy.看见他如此不高兴,我心里十分难过。
They say hediedof abrokenheart(= because he was sosad).他们说他死于忧伤过度。
old-fashionedItdoesmy heartgood(= makes me veryhappy)toseethosechildrensohappy.看到那些孩子如此快乐,我很开心。
His heartleaped(= hesuddenlyfeltveryexcitedandhappy)when thephonerang.电话铃响了,他的心兴奋得怦怦直跳。
See also
- Sheremainedsilent, for her heart washeavyand herspiritslow.
- Could youfindit inyourheart toforgiveher?
- She's veryunderstanding- youfeelyou can reallyopenyourheart to her.
- What he saidstruckterrorin my heart .
- When I said Ilovedyou, Imeantit from thebottomof my heart.
Mind and personality
- allism
- allistic
- alter ego
- ambivert
- Asperger's syndrome
- human nature
- id
- identify
- identity
- in the person ofsomeoneidiom
- jib
- noetic
- noggin
- non-identity
- noodle
- on the spectrumidiom
- psychoanalysis
- subconscious
- vantage point
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Feelings - general words
heartnoun(CENTRAL PART)
thecentralor mostimportantpart:
Adisagreementaboutboundariesisat theheartofthedispute.争议的焦点就是边界问题。
Let's get to the heartof thematter.让我们考虑一下最关键的事情。
thefirmcentralpartof avegetable,especiallyone with a lot ofleaves:
the heart of alettuce生菜心
- These arechangesthatattackthe very heart of Britishsociety.
- Byitsnature,terrorismisdesignedtostrikeat the heart ofourdemocraticvalues.
- Theylivein a two-bedroomedhousein the heart ofsuburbia.
- He had akeyjobat the heart ofgovernment.
- They've got afabulousapartmentin the heart ofParis.
Important and essential things
- -based
- amenity
- bare
- be-all
- big league
- focal point
- foreground
- fulcrum
- fundament
- grandaddy
- heavyweight
- hot button
- imperative
- name
- need
- nexus
- nub
- the grandaddy ofsomethingidiom
- the name of the gameidiom
- you can't make bricks without strawidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Parts of plants
courage,determination, orhope:
勇气;决心;希望You're doing really well - don'tloseheart now.你做得很好——不要灰心。
Takeheart - things can only getbetter.振作起来——事情会好转的。
- audaciousness
- audacity
- backbone
- balls
- bell
- bell the catidiom
- bravery
- courage
- daring
- derring-do
- Dutch courage
- fortitude
- gallantry
- grit
- heroism
- intestinal fortitude
- liquid courage
- spunk
- valorous
- valour
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hoping and hopefulness
Strength of will and determination
ashape, consisting of twohalfcirclesnext to each other at thetopand a Vshapeat thebottom, oftencolouredpinkorredand used torepresentlove
LEONELLO CALVETTI/Science Photo Library/GettyImages
Geometrical shapes
- -cornered
- cone
- congruent
- congruently
- conic
- crescent
- decagon
- dimensional
- isosceles triangle
- Maltese cross
- oval
- pear-shaped
- prism
- pyramid
- rectangular
- right triangle
- semicircular
- simplex
- tetrahedron
- torus
one of the foursuitsinplayingcards,representedby aredheartshape:
(纸牌)红心the seven/aceofhearts红心七/A
Hearts aretrumpsin this round.
I had theking,queenandjackof hearts in myhand.
Start bysortingthecardsintospades, hearts,clubsanddiamonds.
Thekingandaceof hearts have already beenplayed.

Suradech14/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
aplayingcardfrom thesuitof hearts:
(纸牌)红心牌In thisgame, a heartbeatsaclub.在这个游戏中,红心牌可压住梅花牌。

Suradech14/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Card games
- all in
- bidding
- blackjack
- bridge
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- pool
- queen
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
afteryourown heart
at heart
be all heart
by heart
have a heart!
have a heart of gold
have a heart of stone
yourheart aches
heart and soul
yourheart goes out tosomeone
someone'sheart is intheirboots
someone'sheart sinks to/intotheirboots
someone'sheart is inhis/hermouth
her/hisheart is in the right place
yourheart isn't in it
yourheart skips/misses a beat
yourheart's desire
inyourheart of hearts
my heart bleeds forsomeone
not have the heart todo something
putyourheart and soul intosomething
someone'sheart sinks
setyourheart onsomething/doing something
takesomethingto heart
toyourheart's content
used to say that you like someone or something very much:
喜欢,喜爱I heart New York.我非常喜欢纽约。
- adorkable
- affection
- appreciate
- attached
- be a glutton forsomethingidiom
- be a hit withsomeoneidiom
- dig
- gravitate towards/tosomething/someone
- grow onsomeone
- have a lot of time forsomeoneidiom
- have a thing aboutsomething/someoneidiom
- lickyourlipsidiom
- protective
- shine
- shook
- smile
- smile onsomething/someone
- smitten
- taste
- tight