uk/ˈsænd.bæɡ/us/ˈsænd.bæɡ/abagfilledwithsand, used as adefenceagainstfloods,explosions, etc.
Sally Terrett/EyeEm/GettyImages
Parts of buildings: fences & rails
- balustrade
- banister
- bannister
- barbed wire
- barricade
- barrier
- crush barrier
- fence
- fencesomethingin
- fencesomethingoff
- fencing
- finial
- guard rail
- handrail
- hoarding
- Jersey barrier
- paling
- palisade
- shark fence
- windbreak
uk/ˈsænd.bæɡ/us/ˈsænd.bæɡ/-gg-to put sandbags in or around something:
堆沙袋,堆沙包They sandbagged thedoorstostopthewatercoming in.他们在门前堆起沙袋以防止进水。
Closing and blocking
- barricade
- batten
- batten down the hatchesidiom
- be snowed upidiom
- blocksomethingoff
- bung
- choke
- closet
- congest
- cork
- dam
- damsomethingup
- gum
- sealsomethingoff
- self-seal
- self-sealing
- shut
- shutsomeone/somethingin(something)
- silt
- the darkest hour is just before the dawnidiom