hazmat suit
uk/ˈhæz.mæt ˌsuːt/us/ˈhæz.mæt ˌsuːt/abbreviationforhazardousmaterialssuit: apieceofclothingthatcoverstheentirebodyand otherclothing,worntoprotectagainstdangeroussubstancessuch aspoisonouschemicalsorinfectiousviruses:
防护服(hazardous materials suit 的缩写)Paramedicsarriveddressedinhazmatsuitsandwearingmasks.急救人员穿着防护服,戴着口罩赶到现场。
Eachvolunteerwas given adisposablewhitehazmatsuit.每个志愿者都发了一件一次性的白色防护服。

- Officersguardinghim in anisolationunitat thehospitalexpressedconcernfortheirlivesandaskedto befittedwithhazmatsuits.
- Aidworkersinfullhazmatsuitsandgasmaskssearchedtherubble.
- Workers doing anydiggingnear thedumparerequiredtowearenvironmentalhazmatsuitsbecause of thecontamination.
- Veterinariansdonnedhazmatsuitsbeforeenteringtheareatoperformtestsforfoot-and-mouthdisease.
Protective clothing
- armourer
- base layer
- bike helmet
- boiler suit
- CBRN suit
- eyewear
- face mask
- face shield
- gaiters
- gas mask
- leggings
- life jacket
- life preserver
- mouth guard
- NBC suit
- stab vest
- sun hat
- tabard
- tactical vest
- tin hat
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Dangers and threats