used as thesubjectof averbto refer to a man,boy, ormaleanimalthat has already beenmentioned:
他(用于指代男人、男孩或雄性动物)Don'taskAndrew, he won'tknow.不要问安德鲁,他不会知道的。
There's no need to befrightened- he's a veryfriendlydog.不必害怕——它是只非常温顺的狗。
used to refer to apersonwhosegenderis notknownor notimportantin thatsituation:
Themoderntravellercan go where helikes.现代旅行者可以去他想去的任何地方。
Assoonas thebabyisborn, he'llstartto take aninterestin theworldaround him.婴儿一出生,就会对他周围的世界产生兴趣。
- Many people consider this use to be offensive and prefer to usetheyinstead. This can sometimes mean changing the other words in the sentence:Themoderntravellercan go where they like.
- I've noideawhattimethetrainleaves. Ask theguardwhether heknows.
- Verypolitelythe littleboyaskedif he might have anotherpieceofcake.
- He wasattackedas he waswalkinghomefromworklate oneafternoon.
- His writtenFrenchis very good but heneedstopractisespeakingit.
- Did Steve get thepromotionhewanted?
Linguistics: personal pronouns
- 'em
- her
- I, i
- it
- number one
- personally
- S, s
- s/he
- she
- thee
- them
- themself
- they
- thou
- us
- y'all
- you
- you-all
- yours trulyidiom
- yous
Pronouns: personal (I, me,you,him,it,they, etc.)
We use personal pronouns in place of noun phrases. We often use them to refer back to people and things that we have already identified (underlined):…Subject and object pronouns
Personal subject pronouns act as the subject of a clause. We use them before a verb to show who is doing the verb. We do not usually leave out the pronoun:…I,me
We use I and me to refer to the speaker or writer. I is the subject form and me is the object form:…You
We use you to refer to the listener or reader. It is both the subject and the object form. You can refer to one person or more than one person. It is usually clear from the context whether you is singular or plural:…He,him;she,her
He, him, she and her are singular third person pronouns. He and him are the masculine forms. She and her are the feminine forms:…It
We use it to refer to things:…We,us
We use we and us to refer to different groups of people, but always including the speaker. We and us can refer to the speaker + the listener, or the speaker + other people but not the listener, or people in general including the speaker:…They,them
We use they and them to refer to specific groups of people, things and animals:…He,she,him,her,his,hers
In writing, we can use (s)he, he/she, him/her or his/her to refer to both sexes at the same time. When speaking formally, we say he or she and his or her:…he
男性;雄性How can youtellwhether thefishis a he or a she?你怎么知道这条鱼是雄的还是雌的?
Species & genders
- breed
- clade
- class
- cliff edge
- femaleness
- genera
- genus
- holotype
- intergeneric
- male
- order
- paramecium
- phylum
- related
- same-gender
- she
- speciesism
- strain
- suborder
- xenotransplantation