uk/həˈrɪs.ə/us/həˈrɪs.ə/athick,spicysaucemade fromchilliesandoliveoil,originallyused inNorthAfricancookery:
I like toaddaspoonfulof harissa to mymeatballsauceandservethedishwithcouscous.
You only need a verysmallamountof harissa toaddflavouras it is verystrong.

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- Thelambchopswerecoatedin harissa before beinggrilled.
- Once onlyfoundinspecialistshopsanddelicatessens, harissapastecan now beboughtin manysupermarkets.
- The harissa-flavouredsausageswereabsolutelydelicious.
Sauces, dressings, dips & pickles
- aioli
- aji
- Alfredo
- apple sauce
- arrowroot
- coulis
- Cumberland sauce
- custard
- custard powder
- dashi
- mango chutney
- marinade
- mayo
- mayonnaise
- mezze
- salsa
- sambal
- scalloped
- soy sauce
- sriracha