how well aperson,machine, etc. does apieceofworkor anactivity:
工作情况;业绩;表现;工作性能He was anexperiencedplayerwho was alwaysseekingtoimprovehis performance.他是一名有经验的选手,不断寻求提高自己的技能。
High-performancecars(= those that arefast,powerful, andeasytocontrol)are the mostexpensive.性能卓越的车价格最高。
This was a veryimpressiveperformance by theyoungplayer, whoscored14pointswithin the first tenminutes.那位年轻球员的表现十分出色,在开场10分钟内就得了14分。
- Thefinancialperformance of thebusinessisfullyexpectedtoimprove.
- He wasfiredfrom his $165,000jobforpoorperformance.
- At the end of eachteachingpractice,traineeteachersareaskedtoappraisetheirown performance.
- That was animpressiveperformance from such ayoungtennisplayer.
- Whencriticismswere made of the school's performance, theparents'groupcounteredwithdetailsofitsexamresults.
Acting and acts
- (your)every moveidiom
- -ation
- act/dosomethingonyourown responsibilityidiom
- activity
- agency
- ant
- er
- execution
- exploit
- fait accompli
- feel
- move
- role play
- rot
- step
- step up
- stop the rotidiom
- stuff
- talk
theactionofentertainingotherpeoplebydancing,singing,acting, orplayingmusic:
表演,演出a performance of Arthur Miller'splay"The Crucible"上演的阿瑟•米勒的戏剧《炼狱》
Shegaveasuperbperformance asLadyMacbeth.她出色地扮演了麦克白夫人。
a performancemainlyUKinformal
anactionortypeofbehaviourthatinvolvesa lot ofattentiontodetailor tosmallmattersthat are notimportant:
麻烦,苦差Cleaning theovenis such a performance.清理烤箱真是一件苦差。
What a performance! Pleasestopshouting!像什么样子!请别再大喊大叫了!
a repeat performance
anoccasionwhen aneventor asituationhappensagain:
再次发生;重演Thepolicehopetoavoidarepeatperformance of lastyear, when the festivitiesturnedintorioting.警察希望避免去年庆典变成暴乱的事件再次发生。
- We allclappedhis performanceenthusiastically.
- anelectrifyingperformance
- Theaudiencewasenrapturedby theyoungsoloist's performance.
- There was anexplosionofapplausefrom theaudienceat the end of the performance.
- She gave amasterlyperformance as Kate in 'The Taming of the Shrew'.
Spectacles & performances
- aerobatic
- amateur theater
- balancing act
- bullfight
- bullfighting
- double-header
- minstrel show
- music hall
- non-musical
- one-night stand
- one-person
- routine
- spectacle
- spectacular
- strip
- stripping
- striptease
- super-spectacle
- supershow
- swansong
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Difficult things and people
Repeating an action