uk/ˈhedʒ.ɪŋ/us/ˈhedʒ.ɪŋ/hedgingnoun[U](AVOIDING ANSWER)
a way ofavoidinggiving adirectansweroropinion:
兜圈子,拐弯抹角,不直接回答问题(或发表意见)There has been too much hedging anddelay, and not enoughaction.已经兜了太多圈子,有太多拖延,而没有足够的行动。
Inoticethe hedging in thereport,fullof "it could be" and "seems".我注意到报告中的各种拐弯抹角的说法,充斥着“可能”和“似乎”等。
- Afteryearsof hedging,officialshaveadmittedlowlevelsofplutoniumand otherradioactivecontaminantsin the site's groundwater.
- Typicalpoliticiansneveranswerquestions, alwaysrepeatthemselves, and say nothing without a lot of hedging.
Digressing and being indirect or evasive
- bury the ledeidiom
- candy coat
- candy coating
- candy-coated
- circumlocutory
- euphemism
- hedge
- implicit
- implicitly
- indirectly
- lede
- mincing
- move offsomething/on (tosomething)
- obfuscate
- obfuscation
- obscure
- sanitize
- sidestep
- stray
- veil
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cautious and vigilant
hedgingnoun[U](AVOIDING RISK)
finance & economicsspecialized
a way ofcontrollingorlimitingalossorrisk:
对冲止损Thistypeof hedgingprotectsthetraderfrom getting amargincall, as the secondpositionwillgainif the firstloses, andviceversa.这种对冲交易保护买家免于追缴保证金,因为如果第一笔交易亏损,则第二笔会盈利,反之亦然。
You canprotectyourself againstfuturerisesininterestratesbymeansof a hedginginstrumentknownas aforwardrateagreement.你可以保护自己不因未来利率上升而受损,办法是签署远期利率协议,这是一种对冲工具。
hedging of bets
theactofprotectingyourself againstlossbysupportingmore than onepossibleresultor bothsidesin acompetition:
Agnosticism is oftenseenas akindofhalfwayhousebetweenfaithanddisbelief, a hedging ofbets.
This could beseenas more hedging ofbetsby theelectorate.
- When thepriceofgasspiked, they would havelostmoneyon one end, and made it on the other end, which is what hedging is all about.
- Without hedging, atcurrentexchangeratesthecompanywouldloseabout €2bn thisyear.
- Theseshortinvestmentshaveservedas ausefulhedgingtoolduringperiodsofdramaticmarketdecline.
Stock markets
- algo
- anti-city
- anti-dilution
- anti-speculation
- anti-speculative
- bearish
- bond
- bull
- bull market
- flotation
- non-convertible
- non-cumulative
- non-directional
- non-discretionary
- non-distributable
- payback period
- stockbroker
- stockholder
- strip
- the Big Board
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cautious and vigilant
bushesorsmalltreesplantedveryclosetogether,especiallyalong theedgesof agarden,field, orroad:
绿篱;围篱One of myfavouritepartsof thegardenis araisedlawn,flankedby twolinesofyewhedging.我在花园里最喜欢的地方之一是一片抬高的草坪,两侧种着红豆杉围篱。
Make the back of thehousesecureby usingpricklyhedging or highfencing.在屋后用带刺的绿篱或较高的栅栏来保证安全。
theactivityofplanting,cutting, orlookingafterhedgingin agarden,field, etc.:
树篱修筑He didoddjobsforpeoplesuch asroofingand hedging.他给人干盖屋顶、筑树篱之类的零活。
Shekeepsbusyin thegardenwithpruning,weeding,digging, and hedging.她一直在花园里忙着,整枝、除草、掘土、修剪树篱。
- There arelongrowsofvegetablesprotectedbyboxhedging.
- Formalclippedhedging makesexcellentscreeningandreducesnoisefrombusyroads.
- Tents andcaravanshavefullyservicedgravelpitcheswithneathedging.
- Farmers can getgovernmentsubsidiesfor such things as newbuildings,fencing, hedging, andlivestock.
Parts of gardens
- arbour
- bed
- border
- bower
- flower bed
- green wall
- herbaceous border
- kitchen garden
- lawn
- living wall
- parterre
- patio
- perennial border
- raised bed
- rock garden
- rockery
- seedbed
- shrubbery
- terrace
- vertical garden
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bushes & shrubs
Gardening - general words